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I.H. Marshall (editor) Composite Structures 5, Springer, 1989

pp 89-104: FRP Reinforcement of Externally Pressurised Torispherical Shells, A. Muc, G. D. Galletly, D. N. Moreton

pp 105-115: The Mechanical Behavior Peculiarities of Angle-Ply Reinforced Shells Made out of Glass and Organic Fiber Reinforced Plastics, V. B. Antokhonov, V. N. Bulmanis, A. S. Struchkov

pp 117-132: Failure Modes of Laminated Axisymmetric Shells of Revolution Subjected to External Pressure, A. Muc

pp 199-211: A Study on Longitudinal Compressive Strength of FRP-Composites,
Xue Yuan-de, Wang Zheng-ying

pp 241-257: Environmental Effects on the Behaviour of Laminated Shells, P. Pegoraro, M. Touratier

pp 279-288: Analysis of Nonlinear Forced Vibration of Anisotropic Composite Unsymmetrically Laminated Plates, Li Hua, Shen Darong

pp 289-298: Free-Vibration and Damping Characterization of Composites, Pearl Chu, Ozden O. Ochoa,

pp 299-307: Free Vibration Characteristics of Materially Monoclinic Circular Cylinders, M. Darvizeh, C. B. Sharma

pp 309-322: Resonant Response of Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell Panels, C. B. Sharma, Isa A. Al-Khayat

pp 333-345: Transverse Impact of Filament-Wound Pipes, K. L. Ainsworth, K. E. Evans

pp 347-364: Dynamic and Impact Behaviour of Composite Plates, C. Doan, P. Hamelin

pp 365-377: Some Geometric and Component Interaction Effects during the Axial Collapse of Glass/Polyester Tubes at Force Levels Compatible with Rail Vehicle Design, John F. Kelly

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