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Robert M. Jones, Buckling of Bars, Plates, and Shells, Bull Ridge Publishing, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2006, 824 pages

Buckling of structural elements has intrigued structural mechanicists for nearly three centuries. First, Euler studied bar buckling in the mid-eighteenth century. Then, Bryan treated plate buckling in the late nineteenth century. Finally, shell buckling was a twentieth-century pursuit of Timoshinko, Donnell, Flügge, von Kármán, Tsien, Batdorf, Hoff, Gerard, van der Neut, Thielemann, Koiter, Volmir, Feodosiev, Singer, Geier, Esslinger, Stein, Almroth, Tennyson, Alfutov, Bushnell, Arbocz, Starnes, and many others.

This graduate text and reference book is addressed to practically oriented structural mechanicists in civil, mechanical, aerospace and ocean engineering as well as engineering mechanics. Fundamental buckling behavior is studied for three basic structural elements: one-dimensional bars, two-dimensional plates and three-dimensional shells. The approach features a consistent energy-based formulation after Langhaar. Emphasized are the differences between the three principal sets of equations governing (1) behavior prior to buckling (equilibrium equations) (2) the onset of buckling (buckling equations) and (3) behavior after buckling occurs (large-deflection equilibrium equations). Euler bifurcation buckling loads are found for bars, plates and shells as well as postbucklig behavior to determine the practical significance of the Euler load. Also treated are the contemporary buckling behavior topics of the effects of prebuckling deformations, initial imperfections, thermal expansion and constraint, eccentric stiffening, plastic deformation, and, causing renewed interest in buckling problems, laminatted composite materials. The final topic in each of the chapters on bars, plates, and shellls is an introduction to the essence of design for each strucural element.

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