This slide lists several models for predicting shell bifurcation buckling and shell load-carrying capacity. The slide was created in the 70’s. Therefore ABAQUS did not yet exist.
The asymptotic model is for the approximate prediction of the load-carrying capacity of imperfect shells. In the asymptotic model the behavior of the shell in the immediate neighborhood of the bifurcation point, B, is determined. The asymptotic method yields a conservative estimate of load-carrying capacity. Currently it is felt that this conservative estimate is too conservative for many configurations of greatest interest to the aerospace community.
Of the general programs it is felt by the writer that STAGS and ABAQUS are presently the best tools for the prediction of load-carrying capacity of perfect and imperfect general shells of the type that NASA (for example) is primarily concerned with.
Another program not shown on this slide is PANDA2, which finds optimum (minimum-weight) designs of ring and stringer stiffened perfect and imperfect elastic composite cylindrical shells and panels and flat panels. PANDA2 was developed by Bushnell from 1985 – 2007.
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