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Institute of Mechanics, Technical University, Vienna, Austria
Hans Troger 1943–2010. Acta Mech 218, 1–8 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-010-0428-0
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Hans Troger):
W. Szemplinska-Stupnicka and H. Troger (Editors), Engineering Applications of Dynamics of Chaos, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 319, Springer, 1991, 325 pages
H. Troger and A. Steindl, Nonlinear Stability and Bifurcation Theory. An Introduction for Engineers and Applied Scientists, Springer-Verlag 1991, 407 pages
Journal Articles, etc.:
H. Troger and C.S. Hsu. Response of a nonlinear system under combined parametric and forcing excitation. ASME J. Appl. Mech., 44:179–181, 1977.
R. Scheidl and H. Troger, On the buckling and postbuckling of spherical shells. In: E. L. Axelrad, F. A. Emmerling (eds.), Flexible Shells. Springer, Berlin/New York 1984, p. 146–162.
H. Suchy, H. Troger and R. Wiess, A numerical study of mode Jumping of rectangular plates, 2. Z. Angew.
Math. Mech, 65. 2, pp 71-78, (1985).
Graff, M., Scheidl, R., Troger, H. and Weinmuller, E., “An investigation of the complete post-buckling behaviour of axisymmetric spherical shells”, J. Appl. Math. Phys., 36, 803-821, 1985
. Steindl, A., and Troger, H., 1988, “Flow-Induced Bifurcations to
3-Dimensional Motions of Tubes With an Elastic Support,” Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 128–138.
. P.B. Béda, A. Steindl, H. Troger, Postbuckling of a twisted prismatic rod under terminal thrust, Dyn. Stab. Syst., 7 (4) (1992), pp. 219-232
. Steindl, A., and Troger, H., 1992, “Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Oscillations
of an Elastically Constrained Fluid Conveying Viscoelastic Tube With O2-Symmetry,” Proceedings of the ASME WAM, Applied Mechanics Division, Stability and Control of Pipes Conveying Fluid, Anaheim, CA, Vol. 152, pp. 47–62.
. Steindl, A., and Troger, H., 1995, “Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Oscillations of Elastically Constrained Fluid Conveying Tubes With Perfect Broken O(2)-Symmetry,” Nonlinear Dyn., 7, pp. 165–193.
. Steindl, A., and Troger, H., 1995, “One and Two-Parameter Bifurcations to Divergence and Flutter in the Three-Dimensional Motions of a Fluid Conveying Viscoelastic Tube With D4-Symmetry,” Nonlinear Dyn., 8, (1), pp. 161–178.
. Steindl, A., and Troger, H., 1996, “Heteroclinic Cycles in the Three-Dimensional Post-Bifurcation Motion of O(2)-Symmetrical Fluid Conveying Tubes,” Appl. Math. Comput., 78, pp. 269–277.
. Steindl, A., Troger, H.: Methods for dimension reduction and their applications in nonlinear dynamics. Int. J. Solids Struct. 38, 2131–2147 (2001)
. Rega, G., Troger, H.: Dimension reduction of dynamical
systems: methods, models, applications. Nonlinear Dyn.
41, 1–15 (2005)
. Krupa M, Poth W, Schagerl M, Steindl A, Steiner W, Troger H, Wiedermann G (2006) Modelling, dynamics and control of tethered satellite systems. Nonlinear Dynam 43:73–96
. Pugno N, Schwarzbart M, Steindl A, Troger H (2009) On the stability of the track of the space elevator. Acta Astronautica 64:524–537
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