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Professor Vladimir I. Slivker (1937-2011)

Vladimir Isaevich Slivker was born on January 2, 1937, in Leningrad. In 1959 he graduated from the Bridges and Tunnels faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (LIIZhT) with a degree in engineering of bridges and tunnels. After completing his studies at the university he was sent to work in Krasnoyarsk in the Sibtsvetmetniiproekt institute, where he was researching the designs of bridges of Eastern Siberia for three years. In 1962 he returned to Leningrad and was since continuously engaged in design work (professional activity – structural analysis for strength, stability and vibrations) in LO Proektstalkonstruktsiya Research Institute, Leningrad Promstroiproekt, LenZNIIEP. Since 1998 and until the end of his life he worked as the head of the design of bridges department at the Giprostroymost Institute in St. Petersburg.

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Prof. Vladimir I. Slivker (1937-2011)

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