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Short Biography:
Henry Chilver was a structural engineer and educationalist. during his early career at Cambridge and University College london, he and his team of researchers made significant contributions, both theoretically and experimentally, to the understanding of imperfection sensitivity in the elastic post-buckling of thin-walled structural components. Awareness of this sensitivity was essential for the safe design of load-carrying shells that were increasingly being used in nuclear reactors and aerospace structures. As vice-Chancellor of Cranfield institute of Technology he focused on the application of knowledge rather than merely on its acquisition and led the way in harnessing research relevant to the demands of industry. With his incisive intellect, innovative thinking and farsighted vision he was also in great demand as an adviser to the government, overseeing advisory committees, and holding chairmanships and directorships of numerous companies. (This and ;much more by J. Michael T. Thompson, published by the Royal Society, 2013)
Honors and Awards:
1962 Telford Gold Medal, Institution of Civil engineers
1977 Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (Freng)
1977 Cooper’s Hill War Memorial Prize, institution of Civil engineers
1978 Knight Bachelor
1982 Fellow of the Royal Society
1987 Life Peer
Selected Publications:
(1) 1953 A generalised approach to the local instability of certain thin-walled struts. Aeronaut. Q. 4, 25–260.
(2) 1955 Average warping in the torsion of thin-walled open-section beams. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 3, 267–27.
(3) 1958 (With R. J. Ashby) Problems in engineering structures. London: Edward Arnold.
(4) 1959 (With J. Case) Strength of materials: an introduction to the analysis of stress and strain. London: Edward Arnold. [The fourth edition, by C. T. F. Ross, J. Case and A. H. Chilver: Strength of materials and structures, was published in 1999.]
(5) 1961 Structural problems in the use of cold-formed steel sections (Telford Gold Medal paper). Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs 20, 233–258. discussion: Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs 23, 270–297 (1962).
(6) 1963 (With S. J. Britvec) Elastic buckling of rigid-jointed braced frames. J. Engng Mech. Div. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs 89, 217–55.
(7) 1967 Coupled modes of elastic buckling. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 15, 15–28.
(8) 1967 (With M. H. R. Godley) The elastic post-buckling behaviour of unbraced plane frames. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 9, 323–333.
(9) 1967 Structural design philosophy of natural draught cooling towers. in Natural draught cooling towers— Ferrybridge and after (Proc. Conf. Instn Civ. Engrs, 12 June 1967) (ed. I. W. Hannah & P. R. Owen), pp. 9–14. London: Institution of Civil engineers. (10) 1967 (Editor and contributor) Thin-walled structures: a collection of papers on the stability and strength of thin-walled structural members and frames. London: Chatto & Windus.
(11) 1970 (With M. H. R. Godley) Elastic buckling of over-braced frames. J. Mech. Engng Sci. 12, 238–26.
(12) 1970 (With J. Roorda) Frame buckling: an illustration of the perturbation technique. Int. J. Nonlinear Mech. 5, 235–26.
(13) 1971 (With K. C. Johns) Multiple path generation at coincident branching points. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 13, 899–910.
(14) 1975 Wider implications of catastrophe theory. Nature 254, 381. Commentary on J. M. T. Thompson, Experiments in catastrophe, Nature 254, 392–395.
(15) 1976 (With S. H. Perry) Statistical variation of buckling strengths of columns (War Memorial Prize paper). Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs 2 61, 109–125.
(16) 1976 (With S. H. Perry & D. Faulkner) Statistical variation of buckling strengths of columns. Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs 2 61, 621–623.
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