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Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Northwestern University
Walter P. Murphy Professor and McCormick Distinguished Professor of Computational Mechanics
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Professor Belytschko is interested in computational methods for modeling the behavior of solids, with particular emphasis on failure and fracture. He has developed new meshfree methods and the extended finite element method for modeling arbitrary crack growth without remeshing and applied them to a variety of crack growth problems, both static and dynamic. He is also using molecular mechanics to study the fracture and behavior of nanotubes and developing methods for coupling heterogeneous subdomains, such as molecular and continuum models.
B.S., Engineering Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology (1965) Ph.D. Mechanics, Illinois Institute of Technology (1968)
McCormick Distinguished Professor, Northwestern University, 2003-present Chairman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 1997-2002 Walter P. Murphy Professor of Computational Mechanics, Northwestern University,
1991- present Professor of Computational Mechanics, Northwestern University, 1977-1991 Professor of Structural Mechanics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1976-1977 Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1973-76 Assistant Professor of Structural Mechanics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1968-1973
Elected to National Academy of Sciences, 2011 William Prager Medal, Society of Engineering Science, 2011 Denhartog Lecture, “Multiscale Analysis of Failure,” MIT, April 2, 2010 Appointed Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, (Jan. 1, 2008) The ASME Applied Mechanics Award renamed the ASME Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics
Division Award, November 2007 Life Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, January 1, 2008 Re-elected Vice-President, International Association of Computational Mechanics, 2008 Honorary Doctorate, INSA, Lyon, (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon)
September 2006 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2002 U. S. National Academy of Engineering, elected 1992 Gauss Newton Medal, 2002, International Association for Computational Mechanics Timoshenko Medal, 2001, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ISI citation record (as of 1/1/2010) 16,983 citations, H-index: H70 Named in ISI Database of 93 most highly cited engineering researchers – 2000/2001 4th most cited researcher in engineering in past decade, ISI, January 2004 Named in original ISI Database of 200 most highly cited researchers in their field – 2000/2001 John von Neumann Medal, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics, August 2001 Theodore Von Karman Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1999 Melvin Baron Medal, Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center, 1999 Honorary Doctorate, University of Liege, 1997 Honorary Doctorate, Ecole Normale, Paris 2004 ASME/Boeing 2003 Structures & Materials Award for Best Paper, “Large Deformation Atomistic-Based Continuum Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes,” co-authored with Dr. Marino Arroyo, presented by ASME, April 2003 Structural Computational Mechanics Award, U.S. Assn for Computational Mechanics, 1997 ICES Medal (Int. Conf. on Computational Engineering and Sciences), 1997 Computational Mechanics Award, Japanese Soc. of Mechanical Engineers, 1994 AIAA/ASCE ASCE Structural Dynamics and Materials Award, 1990 Thomas Jaeger Prize, International Assn for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1983 Walter Huber Research Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1977 Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1975 Fellow, American Academy of Mechanics, elected 1979 Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, elected 1978 Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science, elected 1989 NDEA Fellow, 1965-1968 First in class, IIT, 1965
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