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Selected Publications:
Kollbrunner, C.F., “The buckling of compressed angles”, Inst. f. Baust. a.d. E.T.H., Mitt. Nr. 4, Verlag Leemann, Zürich, 1935 (The author used angles for his tests to simulate buckling of plates being simply supported along one edge and free along the other.)
Chwalla, E., and Kollbrunner, C.F., "Beiträge sun Knickproblen des Boganträgers und des Rahmen", Stahlbau, Vol. 11, No. 10, May 1938, pp. 73-78.
Kollbrunner, C.F., “The stability of compressed plates in the elastic and inelastic region, Experimental investigation”, I.V.B.H., Abh., Band 7, Verlag Leeman, Zürich, 1943/44, S. 215
Kollbrunner, C.F., “The buckling of uniformly compressed plates in the elastic and inelastic range”, Inst. F. Baust. a.d. E.T.H., Mitt. Nr. 17, Verlag Leemann, Zurich, 1946
Kollbrunner, C.F. and Herrmann, G., “The stability of plates in the plastic range”, Inst. f. Baust. a.d. E.T.H., Mitt. Nr. 20, Verlag Leemann, Zürich, 1947. (The theory of A.A. Ilyushin is compared with test results.)
Kollbrunner, C.F. and Herrmann, G., “Elastic stability of non-uniformly compressed plates”, T.K.V.S.B., Mitt. Nr. 1, Verlag Leemann, Zürich, 1948
Kollbrunner, C.F., “Buckling tests of rectangular plates under compression with triangular distribution”, I.V.B.H, Schl. Ber., 3. Kongress, Luttich, 1948, S. 301
Kollbrunner, C.F. and Herrmann, G., “Elastic stability of rectangular plates under pure bending”, T.K.V.S.B., Mitt. Nr. 2, Verlag Leemann, Zürich, 1949
Kollbrunner, C.F. and Herrmann, G., “The influence of Poisson’s ratio on the stability of rectangular plates”, T.K.V.S.B., Mitt. Nr. 4, Verlag Leemann, Zurich, 1951
Stüssi, F., Kollbrunner, C.F. and Walt, M., “Test report on buckling of uniformly and non-unfiromly compressed plates”, Inst. f. Baust. a.d. E.T.H., Mitt. Nr. 25, Verlag Leemann, Zürich, 1951
Stüssi, F., Kollbrunner, C.F. and Wanzenried, W., “The stability of rectangular plates under uniform compression, pure bending, and compression and bending”, Inst. f. Baust. a.d. E.T.H., Mitt. Nr. 26, Verlag Leemann, Zürich, 1953 (Contains calculations which check and improve various k-values obtained until 1953. They are considered to be the most accurate buckling values.)
Kollbrunner, C.F. and Herrmann, G., “The influence of shear on the stability of plates in the elastic range”, T.K.V.S.B., Mitt. Nr. 14, Verlag VSB., Zurich, 1956
Kollbrunner, C. F.; Meister, M.: Ausbeulen, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg 1958
Kollbrunner, C.F. and Herrmann, G., “Plate buckling in the plastic range by considering shear”, T.K.V.S.B., Mitt. Nr. 15, Verlag VSB., Zurich, 1959
Kollbrunner, C. F.; Meister, M.: Knicken, Biegedrillknicken, Kippen Theorie und Berechnung von Knickstaben Knickvorschriften, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg 1961
Kollbrunner, C. F.; Basler, K.: Torsion, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1966
Kollbrunner, C. and Hajdin, N. (1972). Dünnwandige Stäbe 1, Stäbe mit undeformierbaren Querschnitten. Springer-Verlag. 1.1.2, 1.3, 3, 3.1, 3.1, 4.1, 7.1
Kollbrunner, C. and Hajdin, N. (1975). Dünnwandige Stäbe 2, Stäbe mit deformierbaren Querschnitten, Nicht-elastisches Verhalten dünnwandiger Stäbe. Springer-Verlag. 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.3
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