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From http://imechanica.org/node/5691 (Zhigang Suo, 2009, translated from the website:
Valentin V., third son of the family of statesman adviser Valentin A. Novozhilov, and his wife, Maria Nikolaevna, was born May 18, 1910 in the city of Lublin. He received his first education at the beginning of the Petersburg High School Karl May, and then at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in the physical-mechanical department.
The desire to become a scientist came under the influence of the Valentine's older brother Victor, a prominent expert in the field of statistics, economics of industry, the optimal planning and use of economic-mathematical methods in the national economy. Later, in the words of Valentine Valentinovich, knowledge and attitudes in the field of technical mechanics of the most outstanding lectures contributed to teachers and scientists, professors EL Nicolai, VN Voznesensky, AI Lurie at the Polytechnic Institute. Under their influence produces a kind of scholarly writing future scientist.
After graduating from the Polytechnic in 1931 VV Novozhilov, within two years counted on the strength design of airships Professor AG Vorobieva. Following the transfer in 1933 of all dirizhablestroitelnyh organizations in Moscow VV Novozhilov was a senior design engineer at the Central Design Bureau Leningradskoye Baltic plant. This will always set the terms of its technical and scientific interests: the problem of the strength of ship hulls. In those years, the methods of calculation have been very imperfect, it is in the process of designing, in fact, has been scientific work. During this period, published the first three papers on the calculation of ship structures.
In 1939, Valentin V. received an invitation to take the post of senior fellow in the department of strength TsNII named after academician AN Krylov, the work which lasted for the entire subsequent period of life, including years of evacuation in Kazan.
In 1945, just two years after the Ph.D., Valentin V. defends his thesis "Complex transformation in the theory of shells." Obtained in the results were expressed in his monograph "The theory of thin shells," to have passed a number of publications in Russian and English. By this time include the appearance of the monograph “Principles of nonlinear elasticity theory”, containing a number of fundamental results, and translated into English and Chinese languages.
In 1946, Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov, invited Valentine Valentinovich on faculty elasticity of Leningrad University, where, apart from the VI Smirnov worked Prof. SG Mikhlin and Associate Professor G. Talypov. Senior Scientific Officer at the Department was LM Kachanov. Some time VV Novozhilov the head of the department. With a small break, Valentin V. was a professor and chair of the informal leader until his death. Thanks to him, and then the department head, Professor Lazarus Kachanova Markovich, Dept. of elasticity theory gained prominence as the largest center of science education in the field of mechanics of deformable bodies. In addition to laboratory resistance of materials (GB Talypov), when the department was formed by two other laboratories - the theory of shells (KF Chernykh) and polymeric materials (VM Chebanov).
In 1969 at the Leningrad University created a new Department of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes. Valentin V. headed by a constituent council. He organizes the faculty at the department of computational mechanics of deformable bodies, headed by his disciple, Professor KF Chernykh. At various times, Chair of the disciples continued to grow Valentine Valentinovich (VA Shamina, M. Dahl, MA Grekov).
In 1957, one of the prominent Soviet Korablestroiteley VV Novozhilov was elected a member of the Royal Society of British naval engineers. In 1958 it is elected a corresponding member and in 1966 - a full member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1968, for outstanding achievements in science and technology, he was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.
His unusually broad scientific interests: the theory of shells, the theory of elasticity, dynamics, plasticity, creep, strength, turbulence, mechanics of viscous fluid. In each of these areas of mechanics, he was unique results and set new directions.
On Valentine Valentinovich accomplishments speak louder than all the books he had published. However, not all issues of concern to scientists, are reflected in these books. This is what this says about himself, Valentin V. in the preface to his collection of articles "Problems of mechanics:" If, in particular, to judge my work on the four monographs (Theory of thin shells "," Fundamentals of the nonlinear elasticity theory, The theory of elasticity, "" flat turbulent boundary layer "), one of my biography of the scientist vypadut less significant for the results in the theory of plasticity, the theory of the destruction, the theory of wave processes and, finally, the article publicist character, which are most influenced my artistic credo .
Hobbies Valentinovich Valentine went far beyond his professional work. He found time for the English poets of XVI-XVII centuries, and to replenish its very rich collections of paintings, which, by the way say, indicative of the subtleties of his character and good taste. VV, as between the students called him, liked to chat with extraordinary talented people who meet that was much in his life. Academician was available for almost all who need his help or advice, not to mention students and colleagues, who went to his house a continuous flow.
Valentin V. - The father of two daughters (Eugene and Irene) and son (Vsevolod), and the founder of scientific school bears his name.
More details about VV Novozhilov, his achievements and contributions of his students can learn in the story of his son Vsevolod Novozhilova «Akademik (experience of the literary portrait).» St. Petersburg, 1990, as well as in the book "Valentin V. Novozhilov and its scientific School "(Dahl YM, VI Zubov, Yu.I. Kadashevich, etc.), St. Petersburg, 1998.
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