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Example 10, Slide 8: GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 axisymmetric vibration modes: (A) Tank rolling and (B) tank axial motion

This is part of Fig. 4 from the 2013 GENOPT paper2. Shown here are results from the specific case called “oneskirt”: Two vibration modes from GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 for the optimized propellant tank with one skirt attached at the midlength of the cylindrical part of the tank. These are both axisymmetric vibration modes (n = 0 circumferential waves). (A) Rolling of the propellant tank with in-plane shearing of the laminated composite skirt; (B) Axial motion of the propellant tank with extension/compression of the skirt. Compare with predictions from STAGS shown in Figs.5a,b

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