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Role of the End user (2 of 2 slides)

The purposes of the GENOPT processors, "DECIDE", "CHANGE" and "SUPEROPT" are given two slides hence.

In several of the examples presented in this slide show the general-purpose computer program used to verify optimum designs obtained by GENOPT is called "STAGS".


Almroth, B. O. and Brogan, F. A., "The STAGS computer code", NASA CR-2950, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, 1978.

STAGS Brochure (2002) available online by request: (pdf format).

Rankin, C.C., Stehlin, P., and Brogan, F.A., "Enhancements to the STAGS computer code", NASA CR-4000, NASA Langley Research center, Hampton, VA, 1986.

Rankin, C.C, “Application of Linear Finite Elements to Finite Strain Using Corotation.” AIAA Paper AIAA-2006-1751, 47th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, May 2006

Rankin, C.C., Brogan, F.A., Loden, W.A., Cabiness, H.D., “STAGS User Manual – Version 5.0,” Rhombus Consultants Group, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, Revised January 2005 (on-line). Previously Report No. LMSC P032594, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company, Palo Alto, CA, June 1998

Rankin, C.C., “The use of shell elements for the analysis of large strain response, AIAA Paper 2007-2384, 48th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Hawaii, April 2007.

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