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Example 11, Slide 24: Buckling of optimized axially compressed aluminum cylindrical shell with a truss-core sandwich wall

This is Fig. 37 from the 2014 GENOPT paper.
General and local buckling of an optimized aluminum cylindrical truss-core sandwich panel under uniform axial compression, 2000 lb/in normal to the screen. The panel was optimized by GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4/trusscomp [24]. The weight of 90 degrees of the optimized cylindrical shell is 579 lb compared to 485.8 lb for the optimized cylindrical shell with the complex corrugated cross-section profile. The STAGS prediction of the general buckling load factor (1.41) was obtained by Dr. Frank Weiler The results from a much larger HUGEBOSOR4 model are shown 4 slides hence.

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