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EXAMPLE 8, Slide 8: Design margins for an optimized spherical balloon made of fictitious carbon fiber cloth

This slide is from Table 15 of the 2012 GENOPT paper. Listed here are the margins for an optimized spherical balloon with 50 modules over 90 meridional degrees and radial webs.

Some definitions:

BUCKB4(1) = bifurcation buckling load factor corresponding to Load Set No. 1 (There is only one load set in this GENOPT model.)

TENLOS = load factor corresponding to initial loss of tension in any of the segments in the complex wall of the balloon.

STRMi(j,k) = maximum stress margin in material i, load set j and stress component k. The stress components are:
k=1: fiber tension
k=2: fiber compression
k=3: tension transverse to fibers
k=4: compression transverse to fibers
k=5: in-plane shear.

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