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Professor V.I. Mossakovsky (1919-2006)

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Prof. V.I. Mossakovsky

In a large cycle of works on spatial contact problems of the theory of elasticity, he developed new mathematical methods that allowed him to solve a number of very complex problems that could not be met by the efforts of many researchers. Among them: the dismemberment of the three-dimensional problem on a series of two-dimensional, the reduction of spatial problems to flat, integral transformations, and the application of the method of small parameter.
Dealing with the study of mixed problems in the mechanics of a deformable solid, V.I. Mossakovsky obtained new results in the theory of functions of complex variables and integral transformations and the analytic theory of differential equations. The use of the modern mathematical apparatus in combination with deep penetration into the physical nature of the problem gave him the opportunity to build effective algorithms for solving contact problems for noncircular dies under fairly general conditions of interaction of the stamp and elastic medium, as well as Fuchs class differential equations applied to a number of mixed problems of elasticity theory. Interesting results were obtained in the theory of cracks and brittle fracture mechanics.
Under his direct supervision new interference-optical research methods were developed, which made it possible to obtain a number of significant experimental results in solving the problem of contact interaction of solids.
His research is reflected in more than 250 scientific papers, including 4 monographs, 2 textbooks for universities and a number of copyright certificates.

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