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Snapping of a bimetallic shallow shell as a function of temperature

Ziga Gosar and Franc Kosel (Laboratory for Nonlinear Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Askerceva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia), “Experimental analysis of kinematics of snap-through of the shallow axisymmetric parabolic bimetallic shell”, International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (IJBAS-IJENS), Vol 13, No. 4, August 2013

ABSTRACT: Bimetallic shallow shells are thermal sensors. The paper presents relevant technical information on bimetallic shallow shells and describes some interesting physical experiments. It is shown how, through simple measurements and calculations, it is possible to determine the initial speed (~3.5 m/s), the acceleration (~30000 m/s2) and the lower and upper snap temperature (~22 °C; ~32 °C) of the bimetal. The results from calculations are comparable to those obtained by a high speed camera. The videos give an even deeper insight into the phenomenon of the snap-through.

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