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Upper and lower buckling loads of perfect and imperfect shells

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From: Csonka Pal Doctoral School, Department of Mechanics, Materials and Structures (Dr. István Sajtos and Dániel Vetö), Budapest Müegyetem

Dániel Vetö writes:
"The main purpose of the research is to determine the load-deflection diagram of spherical shells using Pogorelov's geometric shell buckling theory. The determination of the load-deflection diagram is important because the notable points on the curve correspond to the buckling load of the shell. The load-deflection diagram that describes the behaviour of real (imperfect) shells has typically one maximum and one minimum, and the corresponding load values are called upper and lower critical loads. The maximum on the load-deflection diagram of the theoretical (perfect) shell is called linear critical load, but only a fraction of this value is reached in real shells."

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