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Carbon fiber bundle kinking (buckling) under axial compression

Alexander Tesar (Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska cesta 9, 845 03 Bratislava, Slovak Republic),

“Failure process of carbon fiber composites”, Building Research Journal, Vol. 60, Nos 3-4, 2012

ABSTRACT: Some research results of failure behaviour of carbon fiber composites are presented. The solution of material instability on the basis of fiber kinking theory is adopted for the treatment of the failure process. The micromechanical modeling adopting the FETM-approach is used for a numerical analysis of the problem. Some numerical and experimental results with an actual application are submitted in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the approaches suggested.

Tesar writes:
“The kinking of microscopic fiber bundles focuses the attention on this type of material instability when dealing with the failure process of carbon fiber composites. The material buckling of carbon fibers under static or dynamic compression and flexure is assumed as a possible mode of failure as well as the item influencing the above bend/tensile discrepancy. The local short-wave imperfections as well as general long-wave imperfections along the length of fibers (Budiansky, 1983) are to be taken into account.”

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