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PANDA2 model of local buckling of a single skin-Z-stringer module

This is Fig. 10 of the paper, "Optimization of panels with riveted Z-shaped stiffeners via PANDA2" by David Bushnell, AIAA 39th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, AIAA Paper 98-1990, 1998, called "1998 zstif paper" in some other slides. See also Advances in the Mechanics of Plates and Shells, D. Durban et al, editors, pp. 79-102, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

This slide shows a local skin buckling mode of an axially compressed optimized panel with riveted Z-shaped stringers. The stringer spacing is 10 inches. The axial compression is normal to the plane of the screen, and the buckling modal displacement components, u, v, w, vary in that axial direction trigonometrically with m axial half-waves (strip method).

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