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Edge wrinkling of sheet due to local expansion (growth parallel to the edge) of the material in the neighborhood of the edge

From the same paper as the previous 2 images.

See also the article:
John Gemmer (1,5), Eran Sharon (2,5), Toby Shearman (3) and Shankar C. Venkataramani (3,4,5)
(1) Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University - Providence, RI 02906, USA
(2) Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University - Jerusalem, 91904, Israel
(3) Program in Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
(4) Mathematics Department, University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
(5) Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California - Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

“Isometric immersions, energy minimization and self-similar buckling in non-Euclidean elastic sheets”, EPL (A letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics), Vol. 114, No. 2, April 2016,
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/114/24003

ABSTRACT: The edges of torn plastic sheets and growing leaves often display hierarchical buckling patterns. We show that this complex morphology i) emerges even in zero strain configurations, and ii) is driven by a competition between the two principal curvatures, rather than between bending and stretching. We identify the key role of branch point (or “monkey saddle”) singularities in generating complex wrinkling patterns in isometric immersions, and show how they arise naturally from minimizing the elastic energy.

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