Various engineering thin-walled structures inspired by origami |
Architectural shell form by Philippe Block, Institute of Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
'The Sentinel' - a Spitfire sculpture in Birmingham, UK. The Spitfire sculpture has a dedicated web page http://www.spitfire-sculpture.co.uk |
Domed beach house in Florida |
Fig. 1: Various glass roof shapes. Fig.2: Side and Front views of Neumunster Abbey roof: Grid, Undeformed roof, Prebuckling deformation and 3 eigenmodes |
Statics Aware Voronoi Grid-Shell mockup-up |
Two very large buildings featuring concrrete spherical shell structures |
Prebuckling deformation and first buckling mode of the perfect dome in the top image of the previous slide |
Prebuckling deformation from nonlinear analysis of the imperfect dome in the top image of the first slide in this group of 4 slides |
First buckling mode (bifurcation point on the nonlinear prebuckling equilibrium curve) of the imperfect dome in the top image in the first slide of this group of 4 slides. |
The World Trade Center (WTC) Complex, New York City. As a result of the attack on 9/11/2001 three buildings collapsed: WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7. This and the next 15 slides pertain to this disaster. |
9/11/2001 Impacts on World Trade Center Buildings 1 (North) and 2 (South) (WTC1 & WTC2). Much of the material in the floors near the impact regions became very hot from fire started by jet fuel and sustained and spread by office contents. |
The start of the global collapse of WTC Building 2. Some tilting of the top portion can be seen in this photograph. |
The start of the global collapse of WTC Building 2. Shown here is the top portion of WTC 2. The highly deformed floors are at the level where the initial impact and fire occurred on the East face. The lower 2/3rds of the building is not shown here. |
A cutaway of the WTC1 & WTC2 structure (from http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/0112/eagar/eagar-0112.html by Thomas W. Eagar & Christopher Musso, JOM, Vo. 53, No. 12, 2001) |