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Trans World Airlines Terminal, Eero Saarinen (1962)


Jason Jen writes on January 21, 2011:
“The concrete form Saarinen uses at the TWA Terminal in New York stems from the idea of a bird taking flight with its two massive ‘wings’. The terminal is dominated by a 51ft high, 322ft-by-222ft vaulted concrete structure composed of four reinforced lightweight concrete shells that extend outward from a central point. Within the concrete, the structure is reinforced with a ‘web of steel’. The concrete ‘wings’ are supported by edge beams which in turn are supported by large Y-shaped poured in place concrete piers. During construction, each of the roof shells was poured in a single uninterrupted session, while the side shells each required thirty hours. The outward tilt of the windows as the glass reaches the ceiling also serves to highlight the concrete shell structure of the Terminal.”

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