This is Fig. 2 from the paper, "Stress, buckling and vibration of prismatic shells", by David Bushnell, AIAA Journal, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 2004-2010, 1971.
This slide shows a noncircular cylindrical shell treated by BOSOR4 as a portion of a torus with a large radius b and length L = theta x b.
NOTE: In the 1971 paper, BOSOR4 treated prismatic structures as a type of shell of revolution. As of 2010, BIGBOSOR4 now treats prismatic shells rigorously as "true" prismatic shells, not as parts of huge toroidal shells.
There is now a special branch in BIGBOSOR4 in which the kinematic relations for true prismatic shells are used rather than the kinematic relationships that are appropriate for shells of revolution.
The new branch in BIGBOSOR4 is employed whenever the BIGBOSOR4 user adds to the case title a special string, "ixprism", then inserts a new (additional) record immediately following the title record. The new additional record is the axial length of the prismatic shell. For details, go to the directory, ...bigbosor4/case/prismatic and read the file, prismaticshell.pdf.
Reference for the "true prismatic" shell model incorporated recently (2010) into BIGBOSOR4:
Bushnell, David, "Comparison of a "huge torus" model with a true prismatic model for: 1. an axially compressed simple monocoque cylindrical shell, 2. an axially compressed optimized truss-core sandwich cylindrical shell, and 3. an axially compressed optimized internally ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical shell with a T-stiffened weld land, Unpublished report for NASA Langley Research Center, February 12, 2010 and contained in the file, ...bigbosor4/case/prismatic/prismaticshell.pdf
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