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Part of a model of the truss-core sandwich wall of the cylindrical shell used for the analysis of general buckling

This is Fig. 1b from the 2011 GENOPT paper cited two slides ago. This slide shows part of the 46-module model used for the prediction of general buckling of the axially compressed cylindrical shell by GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4.

The truss-core sandwich cross section is discretized, and variation of the general buckling modal displacement in the direction normal to the plane of the paper is trigonometric.

A true prismatic shell model is used for the analysis by BIGBOSOR4. The centroid of each noodle is indicated by a small green square. In the general buckling model there are no little curved and little flat shell segments that enclose each noodle, as was shown two slides ago in the figure that depicts a single module of one of the local buckling models.

See the next slide for a typical general buckling mode obtained with the type of GENOPT/BIGBOSOR4 model shown here.

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