This is Vol. 104 in the Springer series: Solid Mechanics and its Applications.
This book contains 37 papers contributed by former students, colleagues, and friends of Professor Chris Calladine, to mark his retirement.
Professor Calladine's Research has ranged very widely across the fields of structural mechanics, with a particular focus on the plastic deformation of solids and structures and the behaviour of thin-shell structures, and molecular structures. A distinctive feature of his research has been a strong emphasis on rigorous formulations that provide both physical insights and accurate prediction of observed behaviour. This approach has led to major advances in many areas, and the papers included in this book give powerful illustrations going from the theory of structures (lightweight, adaptive, symmetric) to the design and analysis of shell structures, and the use of physical models in the study of DNA and bacterial flagella.
This volume will be of particular interest to graduate students, researchers and engineers in structural, mechanical, and aerospace engineering, and also to researchers in molecular biology.
Table of contents
Foreword. Calladine's Contribution. Some Thoughts on Research; C.R. Calladine. Publications; C.R. Calladine. Structural Mechanics. Collapse Behavior of Expandable Slotted Tubes; F. Abbassian, et al. Laws of Evolution of Cracks in Plates in Terms of Stress Resultants; G. Augusti, et al. Nesting Surfaces and Constitutive Laws for the Inelastic Behaviour of Composite Materials; A.C.F. Cocks. On the Rotation Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements; M. Como. The Topology of Cellular Structures; N.A. Fleck, et al. Symmetry Analysis of the Double Banana and Related Statically Indeterminate Structures; P.W. Fowler, et al. Large Deflections of a Cantilever; J.A. Greenwood. Rose Windows; J. Heyman. Joining of Metal Matrix Composites; F.A. Leckie. Utilising Tension in Lightweight Structures; I. Liddell. Elastic Minimum-Weight Design: an Encounter with Alan Turing; R.K. Livesley. Engineering and Education; P.G. Lowe. Prediction of Buckling Load from Vibration Measurements; P. Mandal. Non-Collinearly Loaded Laminae; M.M. Pavlovic, et al. Linear Matching Methods for Shakedown Analysis; A.R.S. Ponter, H. Chen. Analysis of Coiled Piezoelectric Structures; K.A. Seffen. Frictional Impact in Mechanisms; W.J. Stronge. Rigidity and Stability of Prestressed Infinitesimal Mechanisms; T. Tarnai, J. Szabó. Amplitude of Wrinkles in Thin Membranes; Y.W. Wong, S. Pellegrino. Shell Structures. On a High-Fidelity Hierarchical Approach to Buckling Load Calculations; J. Arbocz, J.H. Starnes. Cat Eardrum Response Mechanics; J.P. Fay, et al. Inversion of Metal Cylinders; J.H. Harrigan, S.R. Reis. Failure Criteria for Shells on Local Brackets; J.M.F.G. Holst, et al. PCCPShells; K. Miura. Pogorelov's Theory of Creases, and Point Loads on Thin Cylindrical Shells; A. Palmer. Shell Buckling and Collapse Analysis for Structural Design; J.M. Rotter. Bifurcation Buckling of Spherical Sandwich Shells under External Pressure in Plastic Range; S.C. Shrivastava. the Prerequisites for an Advanced Design Methodology in Shells Prone to Buckling; J. Singer. Biological Structures. Chris Calladine and Biological Structures: A Personal Account; A. Klug. Calladine's Entry to the World of DNA; H.R. Drew. Morphological and Topological Transformation of Liposomes; H. Hotani, et al. Computational Approaches to Predicting Sequence-Structure Relationships in DNA; C.A. Hunter, M.J. Packer. Understanding Biological Machines Using Household Items: Some Insightful Constructions from the Calladine Workshop; B.F. Luisi. Measurement of DNA Bend Angles Using DNA Topology; L.C. Lutter, et al. Structural Insight into the Mechanism of Supercoiling of the Bacterial Flagellar Filament; K. Namba. Coils and Supercoils in Proteins; M. Stewart, A.D. McLachlan. Supercoiling of DNA Molecules; J.M.T. Thompson. Author Index.
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