Nonlinear theories of elasticity of plates and shells -- Nonlinear theories of doubly curved shells for conventional and advanced materials -- Introduction to nonlinear dynamics -- Vibrations of rectangular plates -- Vibrations of empty and fluid-filled circular cylindrical shells -- Reduced-order models : proper orthogonal decomposition and nonlinear normal modes -- Comparison of different shell theories for nonlinear vibrations and stability of circular cylindrical shells -- Effect of boundary conditions on large-amplitude vibrations of circular cylindrical shells -- Vibrations of circular cylindrical panels with different boundary conditions -- Nonlinear vibrations and stability of doubly curved shallow-shells : isotropic and laminated materials -- Meshless discretization of plates and shells of complex shapes by using the R-functions -- Vibrations of circular plates and rotating disks -- Nonlinear stability of circular cylindrical shells under static and dynamic axial loads -- Nonlinear stability and vibration of circular shells conveying fluid -- Nonlinear supersonic flutter of circular cylindrical shells with imperfections.
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