Plasticity is not included in any PANDA2 models and in the STAGS models displayed in the previous five slides.
This is Fig. 93 from the 2007 paper by Bushnell. Shown here is the STAGS model of Case 5, Table 4 with plasticity included.
This slide shows the nonlinear stringer sidesway at a particular nodal point in the outstanding flange of two neighboring stringers (Stringers 15 and 16) during one cycle of static loading and unloading. Because of plastic flow there is some residual stringer sidesway after completion of the loading-unloading cycle.
There are two imperfection shapes in the STAGS model:
1. general buckling modal imperfection shape similar to that in Fig. 66 of the 2007 Bushnell paper with amplitude, Wimp1 = -0.0625 inch, and
2. bending-torsion buckling shape similar to that shown in the lower expanded insert in Fig. 68 of the 2007 Bushnell paper with amplitude, Wimp2 = -0.001 inch.
In order to see the figures referred to but not shown in these slides, download the full 2007 Bushnell paper from this website.
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