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Professor Herbert Bishop Keller (1925-2008)

Applied Mathematics/Applied Science
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

Selected Publications:
Reiss, E. L., Greenberg, H. J., and Keller, H. B., “Nonlinear Deflections of Shallow Spherical Shells,”J. Aero. Sci., 24 (7),533–543 (1957).

H.B. Keller and E.L. Reiss, “Iterative solutions for the nonlinear bending of circular plates”, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. 11, 1958, pp. 272-292

Keller, H. B., Reiss, E. L., 1959. Spherical cap snapping. J. Aerospace Sci. 26:643-652.

H.B. Keller, J.B. Keller and E.L. Reiss, “Buckled states of circular plates”, Quart. Appl. Math., Vol. 20, 1962, pp. 55-65

Keller, H. B., Reiss, E. L., 1965. Computers in solid mechanics- a case history. Am. Math. Mo. 72:92-98.

Keller, H. B., Wolfe, A. W., 1965. On the nonunique equilibrium states and buckling mechanism of spherical shells. J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 13:674-705.

Keller, H.: Numerical Methods for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, Blaisdell Publishing Co., Waltham, Ma. 1968

Bauer, L., Reiss, E. L., Keller, H. B., 1970. Axisymmetric buckling of hollow spheres and hemispheres. Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 23:529-568.

A.J. Callegari, H.B. Keller and E.L. Reiss, “Membrane buckling: a study of solution multiplicity”, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. 24, 1971, pp. 499-521

L. Bauer, H.B. Keller and E.L. Reiss, Multiple eigenvalues lead to secondary bifurcation. SIAM Rev. 17 1 (1975), pp. 101–122.

H.B. Keller, Numerical solution of bifurcation and nonlinear eigenvalue problems, in: P.H. Rabinowitz, ed., Applications of Bifurcation Theory (Academic Press, New York, 1977) 359-384.

D.W. Decker and H.B. Keller, Multiple limit point bifurcation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 75 (1980), pp. 417–430.

Keller, H.B.: Practical procedure in path following near limit points. In: Glowinski, R., Lions, J.L. (eds.) Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering VI, pp. 117–183. North-Holland, New York (1982)

Glowinski, R., Keller, H.B., Reinhart, L., 1985. Continuation-conjugate gradient methods for the least squares solution of nonlinear boundary value problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 6 (4), 793–832.

For a brief biography and an obituary, see the link:
Prof. Herbert Bishop Keller (1925-2008)

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