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Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Graduated from Leningrad State University in 1975
PhD (Physics&Math, Mechanics of Solids) from Leningrad State University in 1980
Dr.Sci. (Physics&Math, Mechanics of Solids) from Leningrad State University in 2003.
PhD thesis " Stability of close to cylindrical shells with imperfections of form"
Dr.Sci. thesis "Models of shells and plates in ophthalmology"
Academic Career:
St. Petersburg State University, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Supervisor of 8 PhD theses.
Author of 15 books and 200 journal and conference papers.
Research Interests:
Asymptotic methods; Theory of thin-walled structures; Biomechanics; Mechanics of solids; Nano-mechanics; Models of plates and shells in ophthalmology
Selected Publications (For more see the link Prof. Svetlana M. Bauer):
Books in Russian:
S.M. Bauer, A.L. Smirnov, P.E. Tovstik, S.B.Filippov Asymptotic methods in examples and problems. St. Petersburg Univ. (1997), 276 p
S.M. Bauer, B.A. Zimin, P.E. Tovstik, S.B.Filippov The simplest shell and plate models in ophthalmology. St. Petersburg Univ. (2000), 92 p
S.M. Bauer, A.L. Smirnov, P.E. Tovstik, S.B.Filippov Asymptotic methods in mechanics of rigid body Regular and chaotic dynamics (2007), 356 p
D.R. Merkin, F.F. Afagh, S.M. Bauer and A.L. Smirnov, “Problems in theory of stability”, St. Petersburg University Press, 2000
Book in English:
Svetlana M. Bauer, Sergei B. Filippov, Andrei L. Smirnov, Petr E. Tostik and Rémi Vaillancourt, mptotic Methods in Mechanics of Solids, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 167, AsyBirkhäuser Basel, 2015, 325 pages
Journal Articles, etc.:
S.M. Bauer, S.B. Filippov, A.L. Smirnov, P.E. Tovstik, Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics with Application to Thin Shells and Plates, Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics. CRM Proceeding and Lecture Notes. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence 1993, p. 3-141
S.M. Bauer, S.B. Filippov, A.L. Mayboroda, A.L. Smirnov, I.Yu. Teterin, Buckling of thin cylindrical shells and shells of negative Gaussian curvature, Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics. CRM Proceeding and Lecture Notes. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence 1993, p.153-162
Svetlana M. Bauer, Eva B. Voronkova and Andrei L. Smirnov, “Application of non-classical shell theories for free vibration analysis of annular plates”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 199, pp 98-103, 2017
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