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February 7, 2014: Jan Blachut writes (in an email message to David Bushnell): "At 65 I have retired from University of Liverpool and I have accepted chair at Cracow University of Technology, Poland. At the moment I have honorary positions here in Liverpool and also at Aero Dept at nearby Manchester University. It looks that for the time being I will be commuting between Liverpool and Cracow"
MSc, PhD, DSc, C.Eng, FIMechE
Centre for Materials and Structures
The University of Liverpool, UK
1.1 Personal Details
Name Jan Blachut
Date of Birth 20 October 1948
1.2 Education and awards
1971 MSc in Physics; The Jagiellonian University.
1980 PhD, Cracow University of Technology.
1996 Habilitation
2008 The title of Professor dr hab.
1.3 Membership of Professional Bodies
Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London.
International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO) – one of the Founding Members, Gosslar, 1995.
1.4 Professional Experience:
1971-1982 Member of staff at Cracow University of Technology (adiunkt).
1982 _ to date The University of Liverpool, School of Engineering, currently as Reader.
1.5 Teaching Experience (edited out by Prof. Blachut)
1.6 Administrative Experience:
British Standards Institution – Sub-Committee on Design Methods PVE/5, Committee Member, - 1993 - 2010.
ECCS (European Convention for Structural Steelwork), Technical Working Group 8.4 on Buckling of Shells – full UK member – since 1994.
(b) Editorial (Journal/Special Res. Meetings)
Editorial Board for: Engineering Optimization Journal - since 2000.
Proposer, co-chairmen and organiser of Euromech Colloquium 345 on "The Future of Structural Optimisation" held in Liverpool in April 1996 (awarded by European Mechanics Society) with A.B. Templeman.
Proposer, Co-ordinator, and Lecturer on “Emerging Methods for Treating Multidisciplinary Optimization Problems” course at CISM - Udine, 5-9 June, 2000, Udine, Italy (approved by the Scientific Council of International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine - under the aegis of European Academies of Sciences) with H.A. Eschenauer.
1.7 Research Interests:
(a) Background
My research areas include: stability of shells and pressure vessels, optimisation of structures, computational mechanics, composite structures, multi-physics, and artificial intelligence methods as applied to optimisation of structures.
2.2 Some recent publications:
64. J. Blachut, P. Smith, “Buckling of multi-segment underwater pressure hull”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 35, 2008, 247-260.
65. P. Smith, J. Blachut, “Buckling of externally pressurised prolate ellipsoidal domes”, J. Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 130(1), 2008, 011210-1 - 011210-9.
66. J. Blachut, I.B. Iflefel, “Analysis of plain and gouged dents in steel pipes subjected to pressure and moment loading”, J. Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 130(2), 2008, 021203-1 – 021203-9.
67. J. Blachut, “Elastic buckling of vertical cantilevered cylinders”, Jnl Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, Vol. 46(4), 2008, 1-21.
68. J. Blachut, “Failure criteria used in structural optimisation”, Czas. Techn., Vol. 105, Z4-M(5), 2008, 5-18 (ISSN 1897-6328).
69. J. Blachut, K. Magnucki, “Strength, stability and optimization of pressure vessels: review of selected problems”, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 61(6), 2008, 060801-1 – 060801-33.
70. V.T. Vu, J. Blachut, “Plastic instability pressure of toroidal shells”, J. Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 131(5), 2009, 051203-1 051203-10.
71. J. Blachut, “Buckling of multilayered metal domes”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 47(12), 2009, 1429-1438.
72. J. Blachut, “Buckling of axially compressed cylinders with imperfect length”, Computers and Struct., Vol. 88(5-6), 2010, 365-374.
73. J. Blachut, O. Ifayefunmi, “Plastic buckling of conical shells”, Journal Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 132(4), 2010, 1-12.
74. J. Blachut, “Buckling of externally pressurized shallow spherical caps from composites”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 18(2), 2011, 96-105.
75. J. Blachut, “On elastic-plastic buckling of cones”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 49(1), 2011, 45-52.
76. J. Blachut, I.B. Iflefel, “Analysis of steel pipelines with plain and gouged dents”, Intl J. for Experimental Mechanics - Strain, Vol. 47(s1), 2011, e34-e51.
77. J. Blachut, O. Ifayefunmi, “Buckling of unstiffened steel cones subjected to axial compression and external pressure”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 134, 2012, 031603-1 – 031603-9.
78. O. Ifayefunmi, J. Blachut, “Combined stability of unstiffened cones – theory, experiments and design codes”, Intl Jnl Pressure Vessel Piping, 2012, in print.
79. J. Blachut, “Interactive plastic buckling of cones subjected to axial compression and external pressure”, Ocean Engineering, 2012, in print.
80. J. Blachut, A. Muc, J. Rys,” Plastic buckling of cones subjected to axial compression and external pressure”, J. Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2012, accepted.
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