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Institute for Mechanics
University of Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany
Selected Publications:
Britvec, S.J., 1960. The Post-Buckling Behavior of Frames, Dissertation, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Chilver, A.H. and Britvec, S.J., “The Plastic Buckling of Aluminum Columns,” in Aluminum in Structural Engineering, Proc. Instit. of Struct. Eng. and Aluminum Fed. Symp., London, 47–58 (1963).
S. J. Britvec, Overall Stability of Pin-jointed Frameworks after the Onset of Elastic Buckling, Ing. Arch.32, 443–452 (1963).
Britvec, S. J., and Chilver, A. H., Elastic buckling of rigidly-jointed braced frames," J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE 89, 217, 1963; AMR 17 (1964), Rev. 5667.
Britvec, S. J., "Overall stability of pin-jointed frameworks after the onset of elastic buckling," Ing, Arch, 32, 443-452, 1963; AMR 17 (1964), Rev. 7047.
Britvec, S. J., "Elastic buckling of pin-jointed frames," Int. J. Mech. Sci. 5, 447-460, 1963; AMR 17 (1964), Rev. 5666.
Britvec, S.J., 1966. Some Aspects of the Elastic Stability of Pin-Jointed Space Frameworks and Reticulated Surfaces, International Conference on Space Structures, Proceedings, University of Surrey, England and “Space Structures”, pp. 417–484, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York
Britvec, S.J., 1966. Sur le flambage thermique des anneaux et coques cylindriques précontraints, Journal de Mechanique, Vol. 5, No. 4, Decembre 1966
Britvec, S.J., 1972. A Treatise on the Stability of Elastic Systems, Habilitationsschrift, University of Stuttgart, Also, National Science Foundation Report No. GK2879, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1972
Britvec, S.J. and Yu, M.T., 1972. Buckling of a Hyperstatic Segment of a Reticulated Cylindrical Shell, Report No. GK20 National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. and University of Pittsburgh, PA., January 1972
Britvec, S.J.: The Stability of Elastic Systems, Pergamon Press, New York 1973
Britvec, S.J. and Nardini, D., 1976. Some Aspects of the Nonlinear Elastic Behavior and Instability of Reticulated Shell-Type Systems, Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 8th SECTAM, Blacksburg, VA.
Britvec, S.J., 1977. Einige Bemerkungen über das Verhalten und die Berechnung von hochbelastbaren Flächentragwerken, Proceedings GAMM, Graz, 1976, published in ZAMM 57, T59-T60, 1977
Britvec, S.J., Manacorda, T., Wesolowski, Z., Wozniak, C. and Seth, B.R., 1979. Nonlinear Dynamics of Elastic Bodies—On the Nonlinear Behavior and the Stability of Reticulated Elastic Systems, Edit. Z. Wesolowski, Springer Verlag, Wien, Austria and New York, N.Y.
Britvec, S.J., 1980. High-Pressure Shells in Off-Shore Engineering I—Existing Approaches, Their Limitations and Alternatives in the Design of High-Pressure Shells for Subsea Applications—The Post-Buckling Analysis of Reticulated Shells.—Paper presented in the Lyapunov Session on Modern Problems in Off-Shore Engineering, The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, Italy
Britvec, S.J. and Davister, M.D., 1980. High-Pressure Shells in Off-Shore Engineering II.—An Investigation of a Model Reticulated Shell Under Large Hydrostatic Pressures, Paper presented in the Lyapunov Session on Modern Problems in Off-Shore Engineering at the International Centre for Mechanical Science (CISM), Udine, Italy
Britvec, S.J., 1982. Finite Element Analysis of the Post-Buckling Equilibrium and the Dynamic Collapse of Rigidly-Jointed Large Space Structure and Reticulated Shells, Memorandum No. 296, Analytical Mechanics Division, Martin-Marietta Corp., Denver, Colorado
Britvec, S.J. and Davister, M.D. Post-Buckling Equilibrium of Hyperstatic Lattices, Paper presented at the ASCE/EMD Specialty Conference Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, May 23–25, 1983
Davister, M.D. and Britvec, S.J., 1984. Evaluation of The Most Unstable Dynamic-Buckling Mode of Pin-Jointed Space Lattices, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, 11–14 September, (pp. 468–473)
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Prof. Stanislaus Joseph Britvec
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