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For more see the link Prof. Pedro P. Camanho
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Porto, Portugal
Pedro Camanho (MSc in Mechanical Engineering, UPorto, 1995) received his PhD in Composite Materials from the Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, UK, in 1999. In the same year he joined the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (INEGI - www.inegi.up.pt) as Director of the Structural Integrity Unit and the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Porto as Assistant Professor. Since 2014 he has been Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Porto. Pedro Camanho is currently the Vice-President of INEGI.
Research Interests:
The main research interests of Pedro Camanho are the mechanics of deformation and fracture of advanced polymer composite materials, and new concepts for lightweight composite materials for aerospace applications such as hybrid, nano-structured, and ultra-thin composites.
Awards and Special Recognition:
Pedro Camanho is the recipient of the 2006 NASA H.J.E. Reid Award for Outstanding Scientific Paper, of the 2005 Young Researcher in Applied and Computational Mechanics Award from the Portuguese Association of Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics, the 2005-2009 Engineering Fracture Mechanics Most Cited Articles Award, and the 2016 Mechanics of Materials Highly Cited Research Award. He has published over 100 papers in international peer reviewed journals that received over 6800 independent citations (Scopus h-index of 44, independent citations). His work has been successfully transferred to the industry and services: finite elements implemented by ABAQUS (Dassault Systèmes), materials models implemented in LS-DYNA, failure criteria in HYPERSIZER, ESACOMP and ANSYS, and test methods that are used by both the automotive and aeronautical industries.
Selected Publications:
Camanho, P. P. and Matthews, F. L. 1997. Stress analysis and strength prediction of mechanically fastened joints in FRP: a review. Composites Part A, 28(6): 529–547
Camanho, P.P, Davila, C.G and Ambur, D.R( 2001) Numerical Simulation of Delamination Growth in Composite Materials, NASA/TP-2001-211041
P. P. Camanho and C. G. Davila, Mixed-Mode Decohesion Finite Elements for the Simulation of Delamination in Composite Materials, NASA/TM-2002-211737, NASA Langley Research Center, Virginia, USA (2002).
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