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Department of Engineering Mechanics
Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China
Selected Publications:
YP Cao, XP Zheng, B Li, XQ Feng, “Determination of the elastic modulus of micro-and nanowires/tubes using a buckling-based metrology”, Scripta Materialia 61 (11), 1044-1047, 2009
XP Zheng, YP Cao, B Li, XQ Feng, H Jiang, YY Huang, “Determining the elastic modulus of thin films using a buckling-based method: computational study”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (17), 175506, 2009
XP Zheng, YP Cao, B Li, XQ Feng, SW Yu, “Surface wrinkling of nanostructured thin films on a compliant substrate”, Computational Materials Science 49 (4), 767-772, 2010
F Jia, XP Zheng, YP Cao, XQ Feng, “Theoretical Study on the Bilayer Buckling Technique for Thin Film Metrology”, CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua 18, 105-120, 2010
B Li, YP Cao, XQ Feng, SW Yu, “Mucosal wrinkling in animal antra induced by volumetric growth”, Applied Physics Letters 98 (15), 153701-153701-3, 2011
Li, B., Cao, Y.P., Feng, X.Q., 2011. Growth and surface folding of esophageal mucosa: a biomechanical model. J. Biomech. 44, 182–188.
Li B, Cao YP, Feng XQ, Gao H (2011) Surface wrinkling patterns on a core-shell soft sphere. Phys Rev Lett 106:234301.
YP Cao, B Li, XQ Feng, “Surface wrinkling and folding of core–shell soft cylinders”, Soft Matter 8 (2), 556-562, 2012
Yanping Cao and John W. Hutchinson, “From wrinkles to creases in elastomers: The instability and imperfection-sensitivity of wrinkling”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 468(2137): 94-115, 2012
Y Cao, JW Hutchinson, “Wrinkling phenomena in neo-Hookean film/substrate bilayers”, Journal of applied Mechanics 79 (3), 031019, 2012
J Zang, X Zhao, Y Cao, JW Hutchinson, “Localized ridge wrinkling of stiff films on compliant substrates”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (7), 1265-1279, 2012
B Li, YP Cao, XQ Feng, H Gao, “Mechanics of morphological instabilities and surface wrinkling in soft materials: a review”, Soft Matter 8 (21), 5728-5745, 2012
YP Cao, F Jia, Y Zhao, XQ Feng, SW Yu, “Buckling and post-buckling of a stiff film resting on an elastic graded substrate”, International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (13), 1656-1664, 2012
F Jia, YP Cao, TS Liu, Y Jiang, XQ Feng, SW Yu, “Wrinkling of a bilayer resting on a soft substrate under in-plane compression”, Philosophical Magazine 92 (12), 1554-1568, 2012
Y Cao, Y Jiang, B Li, X Feng, “Biomechanical modeling of surface wrinkling of soft tissues with growth-dependent mechanical properties”, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 25 (5), 483-492, 2012
YP Cao, XP Zheng, F Jia, XQ Feng, “Wrinkling and creasing of a compressed elastoplastic film resting on a soft substrate”, Computational Materials Science 57, 111-117, 2012
W Ding, Y Yang, Y Zhao, S Jiang, Y Cao, C Lu, “Well-defined orthogonal surface wrinkles directed by the wrinkled boundary”, Soft Matter 9 (14), 3720-3726, 2013
Y Yang, X Han, W Ding, S Jiang, Y Cao, C Lu, “Controlled Free Edge Effects in Surface Wrinkling via Combination of External Straining and Selective O2 Plasma Exposure”, Langmuir 29 (23), 7170-7177, 2013
JW Wang, YP Cao, XQ Feng, “Archimedean spiral wrinkles on a film-substrate system induced by torsion”, Applied Physics Letters 104 (3), 031910, 2014
J Yin, X Han, Y Cao, C Lu, “Surface Wrinkling on Polydimethylsiloxane Microspheres via Wet Surface Chemical Oxidation”, Scientific reports 4, srep05710, 2014
For more see the link: Prof. Yanping Cao
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