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Department of Civil Engineering
University of South Brittany (UBS), Lorient cedex, France
Noël Challamel is Professor at University of South Brittany (Université de Bretagne Sud – Lorient, France). He is the head of the Civil Engineering Department. His research at University of South Brittany mainly concerns civil engineering, theoretical and applied mechanics problems, with a particular emphasis on scale effects, structural mechanics, stability, vibrations and material modeling (Continuum Damage Mechanics and Plasticity). He is the co-author of three books in the field of mechanics and civil engineering. He has published over a hundred papers in high standard journals. He is often consulted as a referee in more than 50 international journals in Civil Engineering, Physics or Mechanics. He is member of the editorial board of 9 international journals, and is associate editor of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, one of the leading journals published by the American Society of Civil Engineering. He is also editor and head of the collection « Solid Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering » published by ISTE Wiley.
Education and Career:
1995 Civil engineer - CUST (Clermont-Ferrand)
1995 Master « Materials – Structures – Reliability » (Clermont-Ferrand)
1996 Military service - musician (Chateaulin)
1999 PHD at Paris School of Mines (Paris)
2000/2001 Research engineer at Gaz de France (Saint-Denis)
2001/2011 Associate Professor at INSA of Rennes (Rennes)
2011/2012 Marie Curie Fellow at University of Oslo (Oslo)
2011- Professor of Civil Engineering at UBS (Lorient)
Selected Publications:
Challamel N. and de Buhan P., Mixed modelling applied to soil-pipe interaction, Computer and geotechnics, 30, 3, 205-216, 2003.
Challamel N., Lanos C. and Casandjian C., Creep failure in concrete as a bifurcation phenomenon, Int. J. Damage Mech., 14, 5-24, 2005.
Challamel N., Lanos C. and Casandjian C., Localization in the buckling or in the vibration of a two-span weakened column, Engineering Structures, 28, 776-782, 2006.
Challamel N., On the comparison of Timoshenko and shear models in beam dynamics, J. Eng. Mech., 132, 10, 1141-1145, 2006.
Challamel N., Lanos C., Hammouda A. and Redjel B., Stability analysis of dynamic ratcheting in elastoplastic systems, Physical Review E, 75, 2, 026204, 1-16, 2007.
Challamel N., Lateral-torsional buckling of beams under combined loading - a reappraisal of Papkovitch-Schaefer theorem, Int. J. Structural Stability and Dynamics, 7, 1, 55-79, 2007.
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Prof. Noel Challamel
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