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Department of Civil Engineering, University Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret, Algeria
Selected Publications:
Chikh, A., Bakora, A., Heireche, H., Houari, M.S.A., Tounsi, A. and Bedia, E.A. (2016), "Thermo-mechanical postbuckling of symmetric S-FGM plates resting on Pasternak elastic foundations using hyperbolic shear deformation theory", Struct. Eng. Mech., 57(4), 617-639.
Fahsi, A., Tounsi, A., Hebali, H., Chikh, A., Adda Bedia, E.A. and Mahmoud, S.R. (2017), ''A four variable refined nth-order shear deformation theory for mechanical and thermal buckling analysis of functionally graded plates'', Geomech. Eng., 13(3), 385-410.
Chikh, Abdelbaki; Tounsi, A; Hebali, H and E.A. Bedia, “Des investigations sur le comportement mécanique des plaques en matériaux fontionnellement gradués (FGM)”, First Journées Nationales sur les Structures et les Matériaux Nano-Composites (JNSMNC2017), 2017
A. Chikh, A. Tounsi, H. Hebali, S. Mahmoud Thermal buckling analysis of cross-ply laminated plates using a simplified HSDT, Smart Struct. Syst., 19 (2017), pp. 289-297
Fahsi, A., Tounsi, A., Hebali, H., Chikh, A., Adda Bedia, E.A. and Mahmoud, S.R. (2017), “A four variable refined nth-order shear deformation theory for mechanical and thermal buckling analysis of functionally graded plates”, Geomech. Eng., 13(3), 385-410.
Abdelbaki Chikh, A. Tounsi and E.A. Adda Bedia, “Thermal stability of FGM rectangular plates using a new hyperbolic shear deformation theory”, Journal of Materials, Processes and Environment, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2017
Chikh Abdelbaki, H. Habib, B. Abdelghani, T. Abdelouahed and B. Laid, “Une théorie efficace pour prédire la flexion des plaques FGM sous diverses charges”, Séminaire International de Génie Civil sur les Matériaux Cimentaires (SIGC2018, Oran, 27-28 November 2018
Boulefrakh, L., Hebali, H., Chikh, A., Bousahla, A.A., Tounsi, A. and Mahmoud, S.R. (2019), “The effect of parameters of visco-Pasternak foundation on the bending and vibration properties of a thick FG plate”, Geomech. Eng., 18(2), 161-178
Malika Bouhlali, Abdelbaki Chikh, Mohammed Bouremana, Abdelhakim Kaci, Fouad Bourada, Khalil Belakhdar and Abdelouahed Tounsi, “Nonlinear thermoelastic analysis of FGM thick plates”, Coupled Systems Mechanics, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp 439-457, 2019
Abualnour, M., Chikh, A., Hebali, H., Kaci, A., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A.A. and Tounsi, A. (2019), “Thermomechanical analysis of antisymmetric laminated reinforced composite plates using a new four variable trigonometric refined plate theory”, Comput. Concrete, 24(6), 489-498
Abdelbaki Chikh, “Analysis of static behavior of a P-FGM beam”, Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures, Vol. 6, pp 513-524, 2019
Tounsi, A., Al-Dulaijan, S.U., Al-Osta, M.A., Chikh, A., Al- Zahrani, M.M., Sharif, A. and Tounsi, A. (2020), “A four variable trigonometric integral plate theory for hygro-thermo-mechanical bending analysis of AFG ceramic-metal plates resting on a two-parameter elastic foundation”, Steel Compos. Struct., 34(4), 511-524.
Abdelbaki Chikh, “Investigations in static response and free vibration of a functionally graded beam resting on elastic foundations”, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 51 (2020) 115-126.
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