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Professor Jacek Chróścielewski

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures Gdansk University of Technology

Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Jacek Chroscielewski):
L.-P. Nolte and J. Chroscielewski, Large rotation elastic-plastic analysis of flexible shells, in: C. Taylor et al. (eds.), Numerical Methods for Non-Linear Problems, Vol. 3, (Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK, 1986), pp. 391-404.
J. Chróścielewski and Cz. Branicki, MINIMOD – Pakiet podprogramów wspomagający badanie zagadnień nieliniowych, w: Mater. IX Konf. „Metody Komputerowe w Mechanice”, tom 1, Kraków-Rytro, 1989), str. 131-138.
Chroscielewski J, Makowski IJ, Stumpf H. Genuinely resultant shell finite elements accounting for geometric and 
material non-linearity. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1992; 35:63-94.
Chróścielewski J, Makowski J, Stumpf H. Finite elements for irregular nonlinear shells. Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Mitt. Inst. f. Mech. Nr 96; 1994.
J. Chróścielewski, (1996), Family of C0 finite elements in six-parameter non-linear theory of shells (in Polish), Habilitation Thesis, PolitechnikaGdanska, ZeszytyNaukowePolitechnikiGdanskiej, 540
J. Chróscielewski, J. Makowski and H. Stumpf, Finite element analysis of smooth, folded and multi-shell structures. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 141(1997) 1–46.
Chrós ́cielewski J, Klosowski P, Schmidt R (1997) Modelling and FE-analysis of large deflection shape and vibration control of structures via piezoelectric layers. In: Gabbert U, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI (eds) Smart mechanical systems—adaptronics, Serie 11, Nr. 244. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp 53–62
J. Chro ́ ́scielewski, P. Klosowski, and R. Schmidt. Numerical simulation of geometrically nonlinear flexible beam control via piezoelectric layers. ZAMM · Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 77 (Supplement 1):S69–S70, 1997
J. Chro ́ ́scielewski, P. Klosowski, and R. Schmidt. Theory and numerical simulation of nonlinear vibration control of arches with piezoelectric distributed actuators. Machine Dynamics Problems, 20:73–90, 1998
Chrós ́cielewski J, Schmidt R (1999) Nonlinear static and transient response of smart beams and shells with piezoelectric layers. In: Anderson GL, Garg D, Wang KW (eds) Proceedings of the fourth ARO workshop on smart structures, Penn State, State College, Pennsylvania, Session 8: modeling and characterisation issues. U.S. Army Research Office, USA
J. Chróscielewski, J. Makowski and W. Pietraszkiewicz, Nonlinear dynamics of flexible shell structures. Comput. Assisted Mech. Engrg. Sci. 9(2002) 341–357.
Izabela Lubowiecka and Jacek Chróscielewski, On dynamics of flexible branched shell structures undergoing large overall motion using finite elements. Computers Structures 80(2002) 891–898.
J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski, and W. Pietraszkiewicz, Statics and Dynamics of Multifold Shells: Non-linear Theory and Finite Element Method (in Polish) (Inst. Fundam. Technol. Prob. PASci., Warsaw, 2004), Section 3.6.
W. Pietraszkiewicz, J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski, “On dynamically and kinematically exact theory of shells”, W. Pietraszkiewicz, C. Szymczak (Eds.), Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Taylor & Francis, London (2006), pp. 163-167

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