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Department of Physics and Materials, Faculty of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
University of Poitiers, France
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Jerome M. Colin):
J. Colin, J. Grilhe and N. Junqua, “Localized surface instability o a non-homogeneously stressed solid”, Europhysics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp 307-312, 1 May 1997
Colin, J., Cleymand, F., Coupeau, C., Grilhe, J., 2000. Worm-like delamination patterns of thin stainless steel films on polycarbonate substrates. Philos. Mag. A 80 (11), 2559–2565.
Cleymand, F.; Colin, J.; Coupeau, C.; Grilhé, J. Stability of wrinkling patterns: From straight-sided to
worm-like structures. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 2002, 17, 173–178.
Coupeau, C.; Goudeau, P.; Belliard, L.; George, M.; Tamura, N.; Cleymand, F.; Colin, J.; Perrin, B.; Grilhé, J. Evidence of plastic damage in thin films around buckling structures. Thin Solid Films 2004, 469–470, 221–226.
G Parry, C Coupeau, J Colin, A Cimetière and J Grilhé, “Buckling and post-buckling of stressed straight-sided wrinkles: experimental AFM observations of bubbles formation and finite element simulations”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 52, No. 13, August 2004, pp. 3959-3966
Colin, J., 2005. Morphological instability of stressed spherical particles growing by diffusion in a matrix. Phys. Rev. B 71, 165403.
G. Parry, J. Colin, C. Coupeau, F. Foucher, A. Cimetière, and J. Grilhé, “Snapthrough occurring in the postbuckling of thin films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 081905 (2005)
G. Parry, J. Colin, C. Coupeau, F. Foucher, A. Cimetière and J. Grilhé, “Effect of substrate compliance on the global unilateral post-buckling of coatings: AFM observations and finite element calculations”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 53, No. 2, January 2005, pp. 441-447
Parry G., Cimetière A., Coupeau C., Colin J., Grilhé J.: Stability diagram of unilateral buckling patterns of strip-delaminated films. Phys. Rev. E 74, 066601 (2006)
Foucher F., Coupeau C., Colin J., Cimetière A., Grilhé J.: How does crystalline substrate plasticity modify thin film buckling?. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 096101 (2006)
Colin J., Coupeau C., Grilhé J.: Plastic folding of buckling structures. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99(4), 046101 (2007)
Colin, J., 2007. Morphological instability of two stressed spherical shells. Int. J. Solids Struct. 44, 3218–3230
Jerome Colin, Christophe Coupeau, Julien Durinck and Jean Grilhe, “Bucckling and cracking of Y2O3 thin films at grain boundaries” Physical Review B, Vol. 78, 153411, 2008
Julien Durinck, Christophe Coupeau, Jerome Colin and Jean Grilhe, “Molecular dynamics simulations of buckling-induced plasticity”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, 221904, 2008
Jerome Colin and Jean Grilhe, “Nanostructure instability induced by anisotropic epitaxial stresses”, Physical Review E, Vol. 80, 052601, 2009
J. Colin, C. Coupeau, J. Durinck and J. Grilhe, “Buckling patterns of gold thin films on silicon substrates: Formation of superimposed blisters”, EPL, A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics, Vol. 86, 54002, June 2009
Colin, J. and Fatemi, A. (2009). “Variable amplitude cyclic deformation and fatigue behaviour of stainless steel 304L including step, periodic, and random loadings.” Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 33, pp. 205–220.
Julien Durinck, Christophe Coupeau, Jerome Colin and Jean Grilhe, “A stress relaxation mechanism through buckling-induced dislocations in thin films”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 108 026104, 2010
Dion E., Grilhé J., Colin J., Coupeau C.: Buckling of stressed and pressurized thin films on substrates. J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME 77, 041012 (2010)
Coupeau C., Grilhé J., Dion E.,de Morais L.D., Colin J.: Evidence of vacuum between buckled films and their substrates. Thin Solid Films 518, 5233–5236 (2010)
Antoine Ruffini, Julien Durinck, Jerome Colin, Christophe Coupeau and Jean Grilhe, “Buckling-induced dislocation emission in thin films on substrates”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 50, Nos. 22-23, pp 7317-3722, October 2013
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