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Research Unit of Mechanical, Modelisation and Manufacturing Unit (U2MP),
National School of Engineering of Sfax, Sfax, Tunesia
Selected Publications (For more see the link Prof. Fakhreddine Dammak):
Dammak, F., Abid, S., Gakwaya, A., Dhatt, G., (2005). A formulation of the non linear discrete Kirchhoff quadrilateral shell element with finite rotations and enhanced strains. Revue Européenne des Eléments Finis 14:7-31
M. Taktak, F. Dammak, S. Abid, and M. Haddar, A Mixed-hybrid Finite Element for Three-dimensional Isotropic Helical Beam Analysis, Int. J. Mech. Sci., vol. 47(2), pp. 209–229, 2005.
Abdessalem Hajlaoui, Abdessalem Jarraya, Imen Kallel-Kamoun and Fakhreddine Dammak, “Buckling analysis of a laminated composite plate with delaminations using the enhanced assumed strain solid shell element”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 26 (10) (2012) 3213~3221
R. Tounsi, B. Zouari, F. Chaari, E. Markiewicz, G. Haugou and F. Dammak, “Reduced numerical model to investigate the dynamic behaviour of honeycombs under mixed shear-compression loading”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 73, pp 290-301, December 2013
Mondher Wali, Abdessalem Hajlaoui, Jamel Mars, K. El Bikri, Abdessalem Jarraya and Fakhreddine Dammak, “FGM Shell structures analysis using an enhanced discrete double directors shell element”, in Mechatronic Systems: Theory and Applications, pp 131-147, 2014, Springer
Wali, M., Hajlaoui, A., Dammak, F., (2014). Discrete double directors shell element for the functionally graded material shell structures analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 278:388-403
Wali, M., Hentati, T., Jarraya, A., Dammak, F., (2015). Free vibration analysis of FGM shell structures with a discrete double directors shell element. Composite Structures 125:295-303
Hajlaoui, A., Jarraya, A., El Bikri, K., Dammak, F., (2015). Buckling analysis of functionally graded materials structures with enhanced solid-shell elements and transverse shear correction. Composite Structures 132:87-97
Abdessalem Hajlaoui, Abdessalem Jarraya, Mondher Wali and Fakhreddine Dammak, “A higher order shear strain enhanced solid-shell element for laminated composites structures analysis”, in Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation for Systems Design and Monitoring, pp 497-506, 2015, Springer
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