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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. G.A.O. Davies):
Davies GAO, Morton J, editors. Structural impact and crashworthiness. New York: Elsevier Applied
Science Publishers, 1984.
F.L. Matthews, G.A.O. Davies, D. Hitchings and C. Soutis, Finite Element Modelling of Composite Materials and Structures, Elsevier Science, 2000, 214 pages
Journal Articles, etc.:
Buskell N., Davies GAO, Stevens K.A., Post buckling Failure of Composite Panels, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Composite Structures, Paisley, UK, pp.290-314, 1985.
Stevens, K.A. and Davies, G.A., "Failure of Buckled Composite Plates," Intern. Symposium on Composite Materials and Structures," pp. 345-350, Beijing, China, June
Hitchings D, Kamoulakos A, Davies GAO. Linear statics benchmarks. National Agency for Finite Element Methods & Standards, Glasgow, UK, 1987.
Godwin, W. And Davies, G.A.O. Impact behaviour of thermoplastic composites, in Composite Material Technology, 1988, Brebbia, C. (Ed) Springer Verlag.
Robinson, P. And Davies, G.A.O. Impactor mass and specimen geometry effects in low velocity impact of laminated composites, Int J Impact Engng, 1992, 12, (2), pp 189-207.
Davies, G.A.O. And Robinson, P. Predicting failure by debonding/delamination, in Debonding/delamination of composites, 1992, AGARD Conf Proc 530, AGARD, Neuilly sur Seine, France, 5.1-5.28.
Davies, G.A.O, Zhang, X., Zhou, G. And Watson, S. Numerical modelling of impact damage, Composites, 1994, 25, (5) pp 342-350.
Stevens, K. A., Davies, G. A. O. and Ricci R., 1994, “Post-Buckling Failure of Composite Compression Panels”, 19 th ICAS Conference, pp. 2975–2981.
Davies, G.A.O. And Zhang, X. Impact damage prediction in carbon composite structures, Int J Impact Eng, 1995, 6, (1), pp 149-170.
Stevens, K. A., Ricci, R., and Davies, G. A. O., ‘Buckling and Postbuckling of Composite Structures’, Composites 26(3), 1995, 189–199.
G. Davies, D. Hitchings, and G. Zhou, “Impact damage and residual strengths of woven fabric glass/polyester laminates,” Composites Part A, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 1147–1156, 1996.
Stevens K.A., Specht S., Davies GAO., Post-buckling Failure of Carbon Epoxy Compression Panels, Proceedings of ICCM-11 Gold Coast, Australia, Vol. 6/6, pp 695-705, 1997.
M.A. Crisfeld, Y. Mi, G.A.O. Davies, H.B. Hellweg, Finite Element Methods and the Progressive Failure Modelling of Composite Structures, Computational Plasticity – Fundamentals and Applications’, ed DRJ Owen et al., CIMNE Bacelona, Part 1, pp 239-254, 1997.
Crisfield M.A., Hellweg H.B., Davies G.A.O., 1997, Failure analysis of composite structures using interface elements, in: Proceedings of the NAFEMS Conference on Application of Finite Elements to Composite Materials, London, U.K.
Y. Mi, M. A. Crisfield and G. A. O. Davies, “Progressive delamination using interface elements,” J. Compos. Mater., 32, No. 14, 1246–1273 (1998).
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