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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Machine Design and Mechatronics
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Selected Publications (For more see the link Prof. Hubert Debski):
Kopecki, T. and Debski H.: Buckling and post–buckling study of open section
cylindrical shells subjected to constrained torsion, Arch. of Mech. Enging., Vol. LIV,
4, 2007
Hubert Debski and Jaroslaw Bienias, “Finite numerical analysis of composite structure under complex loading conditions – Optimal ply design of laminate”, Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2010
Tomasz Kopecki and Hubert Debski, “Post-critical deformation state of a multi-segment multi-member thin-shell structure subject to torsional deflection”, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp 233-246, 2010
Rudawska A., Debski H. Experimental and numerical analysis of adhesively bonded aluminium alloy sheets joints, Eksploatacja i
Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability, 2011; 49(1): 4-10.
Hubert Debski (Department of Machine Design, Lublin University of Technology), “Experimental Investigation of Post-Buckling Behavior of Composite Column with Top-Hat Cross-Section”, Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability 2013; 15 (2): 106–110.
Debski H. (2013), Experimental investigation post-buckling behaviour of composite column with top-hat cross section, Maintenance and Reliability, Vol. 16, No. 2, 105–109.
Hubert Debski, Tomasz Kubiak and Andrzej Teter, “Experimental investigation of channel-section composite profiles’ behavior with various sequences of plies subjected to static compression”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 71, pp 147-154, October 2013
Debski H., Kubiak T., Teter A. (2013), Buckling and postbuckling behaviour of thin-walled composite channel section column”, Composite Structures Vol. 100, 195-204.
H. Debski, A. Teter, T. Kubiak, “Numerical and experimental studies of compressed composite columns with complex open cross-sections”, Compos. Struct., 118 (2014), pp. 28-36
Andrzej Teter, Hubert Debski and Sylwester Samborski, “On buckling collapse and failure analysis of thin-walled composite lipped-channel columns subjected to uniaxial compression”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 85, pp 324-331, December 2014
Debski H. and Sadowski T. (2014): Modelling of microcracks initiation and evolution along interfaces of the
WC/Co composite by the finite element method. – Computational Materials Science, vol.83, pp.403-411.
Hubert Debski and Jaroslaw Latalski, “Numerical analysis of composite structures with embedded piezoelectric active elements”, Journal of KONES, January 2015
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