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Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Dr. Farzad Ebrahimi was born in Qazvin, Iran, in 1979. He graduated in Mechanical engineering, from the University of Tehran, Iran, in 2002. He received his Msc and PhD in Mechanical engineering, with a specialization in applied design from the University of Tehran, Iran, in 2009. Since 2002, he has been working at the “Smart Materials and Structures Lab” Research Center of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tehran, where he is a researcher of smart functionally graded materials and structures. He is involved in several international journals as editor and reviewer. He serves on the editorial board of “Far East Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Physics”. He is the author of books “Smart Functionally Graded Plates” and “Progress in Analysis of Functionally Graded Structures”, Nova Science Publishers, NY. He also served as the editor of the book “Advances in Vibration Analysis Research”, InTech – Open Access Publisher, Croatia. His research interests focus on areas of smart materials and structures, plate and shell theory, vibration analysis of continuous systems, composite materials and structures, functionally graded materials and structures, finite element analysis and fracture mechanics and he has published several researches in these fields. His research in these areas has been presented at international conferences and appeared in academic journals such as “Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology”, “Smart Materials and Structures”, “European Journal of Mechanics” and ”Archive of Applied Mechanics and Thin Walled Structures”. Farzad has also strong collaboration with Iranian industries on gas and oil projects, as well as serves as ad-hoc referee in several top academic journals.
Research Interests:
Smart Materials and Structures, Plate And Shell Theory, Vibration Analysis of Continuous Systems, Composite Materials and Structures, Functionally Graded Materials and Structures, Finite Element Analysis, Fracture Mechanics
2010 Ph.D The University of Tehran, Mechanical engineering department
2004 M.Sc The University of Tehran, Mechanical engineering department
2002 B.Sc The University of Tehran, Mechanical engineering department, Mechanical Engineering
Selected Publications:
F. Ebrahimi: “Smart functionally graded plates: Vibration Analysis of FGM plates coupled with piezoelectric layers", December 2010, Nova Science Publishers, New York
F. Ebrahimi: “Advances in Vibration analysis research", Intech Publication, Croatia, April 2011.
F. Ebrahimi, H.A. Sepiani, and A. G. Arani: “Progress in Analysis of functionally graded structures", Nova Science Publishers, NY, Oct. 2011.
F. Ebrahimi, “Smart functionally graded plates: Vibration Analysis of FGM plates coupled with piezoelectric layers", December 2010, Nova Science Publishers, New York.
F. Ebrahimi: “Piezoelectric Transducers", to be appeared Dec. 2011, Intech Publication, Croatia.
Journal Articles:
F. Ebrahimi and A. Rastgoo, 2011, "Nonlinear vibration analysis of piezo-thermo-electrically actuated functionally graded circular plates", Archive of applied mechanics, Vol. 81(3) , pp. 361-383. (ISI)
F. Ebrahimi, H.A. Sepiani, 2011, “Meshfree modeling of shape memory alloy wires thermomechanical behavior Analytical”, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 6 (20), pp. 4739-4748. (ISI)
F. Ebrahimi, 2011, “A study on the influence of transverse shear and rotary inertia on the dynamic stability of cylindrical shells made from functionally graded material”, Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 6 (11), pp. 2286-2295. (ISI)
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Prof. Farzad Ebrahimi
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