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Graduated in mechanical engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1972), master's degree in mechanical engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1976) and doctorate in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981). He is currently a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, ad-hoc consultant for the Foundation of the State Research in Rio de JaneiroFAPERJ, CNPq and CAPES. Has academic experience (education) and as a consultant (dev. Projects) in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis in Solid Mechanics, mainly in the development of numerical models for dynamic analysis, involving nonlinearities of the material and geometric employing the method Finite Element. He was president of the Association of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ABCM) in the biennia 1996-97 and 1998-99, Commissioner of the Graduate Evaluation in CAPES from 1992 to 1997 and area representative (Engenarias III) at CAPES in the period 1999 -2001.
Selected Publications:
Aguiar, LL; Almeida, CA; Pauline, GH. The three-dimensional multilayered beam pipe element: Nonlinear analysis. Computers & Structures, vol. 138, p. 142-161, 2014.
Juan CR Albino; Almeida, CA; Menezes MFIs; Glaucio H. Paulino. Geometric nonlinear analyzes of functionally graded beams using the Lagrangian formulation tailored. Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 38, p. 553-559, 2011.
Almeida, CA; Pauline, GH; Menezes, MFIs; Albino, JCR. On Dynamic Stability Evaluation of Functionally Graded Risers. In: USNCNM-11, 2011, Minneapolis. US-USNCNM Natnl. In a conf on Methods, 2011.
Almeida, CA; Menezes MFIs; Albino, JCR; PaulinE, GH. Functionally Graded Slender Structures The Nonlinear Multiscale Perspective. In: ASME-IMECE2010, 2010, Vancouver. ASME-Intnl. Conf. in Mechanical Engineering, 2010. p. paper40643.
Almeida, CA; Pauline, GH; Menezes, MFIs; juan cr Albino. Nonlinear Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams Using a Tailored Co-Rotational Formulation. In: USNCNM-09, 2009, Columbus, Ohio. US National Conference on Numerical Methods, 2009.
Almeida, CA; Aguiar, PRR. On the Solution of Eigenvalue Problems Using Lanczos and Subspace Iteration Algorithms. In: PACAM / DINAME, 1999 Rio de Janeiro. Proc. PACAM'99, 1999. v. 2. p. 152-161.
Almeida, CA. An Effective Adaptive Procedure in Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis. In: ASME Computers in Engineering, 1995 Boston. Proc. ASME Comp. in Engineering. N. York: ASME Press, 1995. v. 1. p. 197-203.
Almeida, CA; Alves, JAP. Recent Advances on the Nonlinear Behaviour of Piping Structurtes Including Cross-Section Deformations. In: XXI YUCTAM, 1995 Nis. Proc. XXI YUCTAM, 1995. p. 155-167.
Almeida, CA; Lent, MD. Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Thin Shells axisymmetric with Reduced Degrees-of-Freedom. In: XIII COBEM, 1995 Belo Horizonte. Proceedings of XIII COBEM 1995.
Almeida, CA. Adaptivity And Mesh Generation In 2-D Finite Element Analysis. In: ASME - International Computers in Engineering Conference 1994, Minneapolis. Proc. Intnl. Computers in Engineering. Minneapolis, USA: ASME Press, 1994. v. 2. p. 561-566.
Almeida, CA; Pastor, JA. Finite Element Modelling of 3-D Beams with Bending-Torsion Coupling and Cross-Section Warping. In: VI Congreso Nacional Ing Mecanica, 1994 Santiago.. Proceedings VI Cong Nat. Ing. Mecanica, 1994. p. 37-42.
Almeida, CA; Pires, JA. On Geometric Nonlinear FE Solution Of Dimensional Structure Dynamics. Science Journal of Brazilian Mecanicas, v. XV, n.2, p. 150-164, 1993.
Almeida, CA. On the Use of Technique of Adaptive Mesh Analysis on Finite Element. In: First Brazilian Workshop on Phenomena nonlinear, chaotic and Stochastic, 1993 Rio Claro. Proc. I Workshop Bras Fen NL, Caot. and Estoc., 1993. p. 18-20.
Almeida, CA; Bergman, c. 3.D Shell Analyses With Reduced Degrees-of-Freedom. In: VII SIBRAT, 1992 Florianopolis. Annals VII SIBRAT. Florianopolis - SC, 1992. v. 1. p. 105-115.
For more see the link: Prof. Carlos Alberto de Almeida
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