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Aerospace Engineering Sciences
University of Colorado, Boulder
Focus Area: Structural & Material Systems
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1966
M.S., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1964
Ingeniero Civil, University Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina), 1963
Professional Experience:
1986-Present, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
1989-1991, Director, Center for Space Structures and Controls
1986-1988, Associate Director;
1971-1976, Research Scientist; 1976-1980, Staff Scientist; 1980-1986, Senior Staff Scientist, Applied Mechanics Laboratory, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Lockheed Palo Alto Res. Lab., Palo Alto, CA.
1968-1969, Research Specialist; 1969-1970, Research Engineer, Structural Analysis Research Group, The Boeing Co., Commercial Airplane Division, Seattle, WA.
1964-1966, Research Assistant; 1966-1968, Post-Doctoral Research Associate; Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
Honors and Awards:
Duarte y Quirós prize to top Ingeniero Civil graduate, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1963.
Control Data Corp. PACER Fellowship PI, 1986–1988.
AGARD Lecturer at ONERA (Paris, France), and LTAS (Lie`ge, Belgium), 1988.
McDonald-Douglas Foundation Award to set up Structural Dynamics and Control Laboratory, Dec 1991.
SAE Arch. T. Colwell Merit Award, September 1993
NTNF Visiting Scholar Fellowship, August–December 1993.
Fellow, US Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM), July 1995.
Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, selected 1995, conferred 1997.
Honorary Member, Argentine Association of Computational Mechanics, 1997.
Fellow, International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM), July 1998.
Computational Sciences Award, US Association of Computational Mechanics, August 1999.
Summer Faculty Fellowship, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, June-August 2001.
Foreign Investigator Fellowship, Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura, Madrid, Spain, to support Visiting Scientist status for research at CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, May-July 2002, May-June 2005, May-June 2006 and May-June 2007.
Sociedad de Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria (SEMNI) Prize, Madrid, June 2002
Visiting Faculty Award, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM), Paris, May-July 2004.
NASA Software Development Award, NASA Langley RC, announced 2006, awarded 2007.
Elected Permament Member-at-Large, USACM Executive Committee, 2007.
IACM Computational Mechanics Award, awarded at WCCM9, Sydney, Australia, July 2010.
Research Interests:
Nonlinear and dynamic structural analysis, finite element methods, software architectures for engineering computations, parallel processing. Special interest in coupled field problems: elastoacoustics, aeroelasticity, control-structure interaction, thermomechanics and electrothermomechanics
Regular Course Offerings at the University of Colorado:
Introduction to Finite Element Methods (ASEN 5007): 3-credit core graduate course, offered every year.
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods (ASEN 5107): 3-credit Technical Elective graduate course
Advanced Finite Element Methods (ASEN 5367): 3-credit Technical Elective graduate course
Structures (ASEN 3112): 4-credit core junior course
Books in Preparation:
Introduction to Finite Element Methods, approx. 700 pp., based on course ASEN 5007.
Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Element Methods, approx. 650 pp., based on course ASEN 5017.
Advanced Linear Finite Element Methods, approx. 550 pp., based on course ASEN 5367.
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