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Dipartimento di Informatica Modellistica Elettronica e Sistemistica (DIMES),
Università della Calabria
1) General Information
First name / surname : Giovanni Garcea
Date of bird: 17 june 1967
Nationality: Italian
Address: Dipartimento di Informatica Modellistica Elettronica e Sistemistica (DIMES), Università della Calabria, Ponte P. Bucci, Cubo 39 C, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy
2) Education and academic career
− From March 2005 – associate professor Solid mechanics, Università della Calabria
− July 2003 –Assistant Professor Solid Mechanics, Università della Calabria.
− Academic years 1999-2001, lecturer on contract, curse of "Structural stability", Engineering Faculty, Università della Calabria
− February 1996, PhD in Computational Mechanics at Università della Calabria. Thesis "Finite element analysis in thin-walled structures by a multimodal asymptotic approach ".
− June 1991 – one year grant from ALENIA (Aeritalia and SELENIA) for researches at Università della Calabria on “Buckling and post-buckling behaviour of metal or composite aeronautical panels”.
− May 1991 - Master degree on Structural engineering, Università della Calabria.
2) Principal educational activities
− From A.Y. 2009/2010 to A.Y. 2013/2014 PhD Course “Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics with Application to Finite Element Analysis, doctoral school Bernardino Telesio”, Università della Calabria, 2 C.F.
− From A.Y . 2009/2010 to A.Y. 2013/2014, “Static and continuum mechanics”, degree in Civil engineering, Università della Calabria ,6 C.F.
− From A.Y. 2010/2011 to A.Y. 2013/2014, “Nonlinear structural analysis”, Master degree in Civil engineering, Università della Calabria , 6 C.F..
− From A.Y. 2006/2007 to A.Y. 2010/2011 , “Sismic engineering”, Master degree in Enviroment engineering, Università della Calabria, 6 C.F.
− A.Y. 2008/2009, “Solid Mechanics 2”, Degree in Civil engineering, Università della Calabria, 5 C.F.
− From A.Y. 2004/2005 to A.Y. 2007/2008, “Solid Mechanics 2”, Degree in Civil engineering, Università della Calabria, 4 C.F.
− From A.Y. 2003/2004 to A.Y. 2009/2010, “Structural stability”, Master degree in Civil engineering, Università della Calabria, 6 C.F.
− From A.Y. 03/04 to A.Y. 05/06, “Elements of Dynamic of Structures”, Master degree in Civil engineering, Università della Calabria, 3 C.F.
− From A.A.1999/2000 to A.A.2000/2001, Lecturer on contract, curse of “Structural Stability”, Master degree in Civil engineering, Università della Calabria, 6 C.F.
3) Other activity
− From July 2013 – Member of the restricted Scientific colleges of the Doctoral school “Scienze e tecnologie chimiche, fisiche e dei materiali” of the University of Calabria.
− June 2012 – Member of the organizing Committee, XIX Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, Rossano (CS), 24-26 Giugno 2012
− From January 2010 to July 2013 – coordinator of the curriculum of Computational Mechanics of the Doctoral school “Bernardino Telesio” of the University of Calabria.
− From January 2009 to July 2013 – member of the scientific committee of the Scientific Area Library of the University of Calabria.
− From January 2004 to December 2010 – Component of the board of professors of the PhD in Computational mechanics of the University of Calabria.
4) Research activity
4.1) Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic structures.
Analysis of slender elastic structures through the asymptotic Koiter approach or by means of path-following methods in a finite elements numerical context. The computer codes developed concern trusses, framed structures in 2D and 3D, thin walled structured modeled as both a 1D or a 2D continuum. The research was initially funded by Alenia S.p.A. and by the European project Brite- EURAM " APRICOS ,"
Aspects investigated are:
− Analysis of the numerical and theoretical accuracy of the FE implementation of the Koiter asymptotic analysis and comparison of the results with those of path-following analyses.
− Asymptotic formulations in presence of coincident or almost coincident buckling modes.
− Sensitivity analysis and determination of the most dangerous directions of the imperfection in case of coincident buckling modes
− Mixed formulations in stresses and displacement to sanitize nonlinear locking problems due to the FEM model (locking due to interpolation) and the representation of the nonlinear
equilibrium path (extrapolation locking)
− Development of corotational formulations for asymptotic analysis.
− Parameterization of 3D rotations and use in the asymptotic context of analysis
− Determining of the order of infinitesimal mechanism of kinematically indeterminate systems a mechanisms.
4.2) Structural models for the analysis of nonlinear structures
Determination of structural models for beams, plates and shells suitable for the FEM analysis of geometrically nonlinear structures. The implicit corotational formulation proposed allows to obtain accurate nonlinear models of beam and plate from a parent linear solution, as for example that of De Saint Venant. This leads to rich structural models, obtained in a coherent and simple fashion, while frame invariance with respect to rigid rotations is automatically ensured.
4.3) Shakedown analysis
Extension of the classical strain - driven formulations used to assess the equilibrium path of elastoplastic structures to shakedown analysis. The algorithm is based on the proximal point method and a dual decomposition strategy. It presents the same characteristics of robustness, efficiency and convergence of the classical strain driven formulations. The comparison with interior point methods emphasizes the similarities between the two ways to proceed.
For a list of publications, click on Prof. Giovanni Garcea on the Shell Buckling People page of this website.
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