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Founding Faculty Fellow
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Università di Roma La Sapienza
See: http://dma.dma.uniroma1.it/users/ingaero/joomla/Documenti/CV/CV%20Gaudenzi.pdf
Born in Rome, Italy, on 19.3.1961.
Full Professor of Costruzioni e Strutture Aerospaziali
Coordinator of the PhD course in Aerospace Technologies
Director of the Master in Satellites and orbital platforms
Università di Roma La Sapienza
Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, Via Eudossiana 16, 00136 Roma, Italia
Paolo serves as a Professor of Aerospace Structures within the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the Università di Roma La Sapienza, where he coordinates the aerospace structures section. He is also the director of the Ph.D. course in Aerospace Technologies and of the professional Master course in Space Systems and services at La Sapienza.
Responsible of research projects funded by the Italian Ministry for Research, the National Research Council, the Italian Space Agency, the European Space Agency and private companies.
Expert in the evaluation of research projects for the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Reserch, the Italian Ministry for Industrial development, The European Research Council, the regions Lazio, Toscana, Veneto, Piemonte, Puglia. Chairman of the selection board for ENEA (National research body in the field of energy and power).
Advisor of ESA-ESRIN Vega Project team for the critical reviews of the Vega launcher Programme.
Promoter of the European Union/La Sapienza stage program EUROSPACESTAGES. La Sapienza representative for the PEGASUS Consortium among European aerospace universities. Member of the Council for International Relationships of La Sapienza.
Paolo is President of Smart Structures Solutions Srl, a spin-off company of the Università di Roma La Sapienza.
Career milestones:
Laurea in Civil Engineering cum laude, Università di Roma La Sapienza (1984).
Dottore di ricerca (PhD) in Aerospace Engineering, Università di Roma La Sapienza (1989).
Visiting Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) (1991-1992).
Ricercatore (Assistant Professor) at la Sapienza since 1990,
Associate professor since 1998,
Full professor since 2000. Since 2002
Editor, Editorial boards, Conference scientific committees:
Editor of “Aerotecnica, misili e spazio”, the Journal of aerospace science, technology and systems
Associate editor of the Int. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (2000-2010)
Associate editor of the IEEE Trans on Aerospace and Electronic systems(2008-2010)
Member of the International board of the CEAS Space Journal and CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Member of the international editorial board of the Journal Computers and Structures
Member of the international editorial board of the Journal Composite Structures
Member of the international scientific committee of the conferences:
SECESA- Esa System and concurrent engineering for space
ICAST-International Conferences on Adaptive Structures and Technologies;
ICCST International Conference Computational Structures Technology;
ICCS International Conference on Composite Structures
MIT conference on Computational Fluid and Solids mechanics
European conf. on spacecraft structures, materials and mechanical testing (ESA,CNES, DLR).
CEAS air and space conference for the Space systems panel
Research interests:
aerospace structures and constructions
laminated and composite structures
active materials and intelligent structures
finite element modelling
satellites systems
cost engineering
Paolo Gaudenzi has published more than 100 articles and one book on Smart Structures (J. Wiley 2009).
Selected Publications (papers on buckling of composite structures by Paolo Gaudenzi and co-authors):
On delamination buckling of composite laminates under compressive loading, P Gaudenzi, Composite structures 39 (1), 21-30, 1997
Post-buckling analysis of a delaminated composite plate under compression, P Gaudenzi, P Perugini, F Spadaccia, Composite structures 40 (3), 231-238, 1997
Post-buckling behavior of composite panels in the presence of unstable delaminations, P Gaudenzi, P Perugini, A Riccio, Composite Structures 51 (3), 301-309, 2001
Post-buckling behaviour of thermoplastic matrix composite laminates subjected to pure shear, P Gaudenzi, R Barboni, G Mormino, P Dinardo, Composite structures 46 (4), 381-386, 1999
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