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Mechanical Engineering
University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Selected Publications:
M.N. Ghasemi Nejhad and Tus-Wei Chou, “A model for the prediction of compressive strength reduction of composite laminates with molded-in holes”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 24, March 1990
M. N. Ghasemi Nejhad, R. D. Cope and S. I. Güçeri, "Thermal analysis of in-situ thermoplastic composite tape laying," J. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 20-45, May 1991
M.N. Ghasemi Nejhad, J.W. Gillespie, Jr, and R.D. Cope, “Prediction of process-induced stresses for in-situ thermoplastic filament winding of cylinders”, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer-Aided Design in Composite Material Technology: CADCOMP92, pp 225-253, 1992
M. N. Ghasemi Nejhad, "Issues related to processability during the manufacture of thermoplastic composites using on-line consolidation techniques," J. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 130-146, 1993
A. Yousefpour and M. N. Ghasemi Nejhad., "Experimental and Computational Study of APC-2/AS4 Thermoplastic Composite C-Rings," J. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 129-145, 2001
R.K.H. Ng, A. Yousefpour, M. Uyema and M.N. Ghasemi Nejhad, Design, Analysis, Manufacture, and Test of Shallow Water Pressure Vessels Using E-Glass/Epoxy Woven Composite Material for a Semi-Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Journal of Composite Materials 36/21 (2002) 2443-2478
Yousefpour, A., and Ghasemi Nejhad, M. N., 2004, “Design, Analysis, Manufacture, and Test of APC-2/AS4 Thermoplastic Composite Pressure Vessels for Deep Water Marine Applications,” J. Compos. Mater., 38 , pp. 1701–1732.
Kougen Ma and Mehrdad N. Ghasemi-Nejhad, “Adaptive simultaneous precision positioning and vibration control of intelligent composite structures”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 16, February 2005
Cao A, Dickrell PL, Sawyer WG, Ghasemi-Nejhad MN, Ajayan PM (2005) Super-compressible foamlike carbon nanotube films. Science 310:1307–1310
Mehrdad N. Ghasemi-Nejhad, Saeid Pourjalali, Mark Uyema and Ali Yousefpour, “Finite element method for active vibration suppression of smart composite structures using piezoelectric materials”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol. 19, May 2006
Veedu V.P., Cao A., Li X., Ma K., Soldano C., Kar S., Ajayan P.M., Ghasemi-Nejhad M.N.: Multifunctional composites using reinforced laminae with carbon-nanotube forests. Nat. Mater. 5, 457–462 (2006).
Kalamkarov AL, Georgiades AV, Rokkam SK, Veedu VP, Ghasemi-Nejhad MN (2006) Analytical and numerical techniques to predict carbon nanotubes properties. Int J Solids Struct 43(22):6832–6854
Su Yan, Kougen Ma and Mehrdad N. Ghasemi-Nejhad, “Robust vibration suppression of an adaptive circular composite plate for satellite thrust vector control”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6928, 692815, 2008
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