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Dept. of Physics
Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering
Selected Publications (for more see the link Prof. E. I. Grigolyuk):
É. I. Grigolyuk, “The behavior of a circular plate following stability loss”, Vestn. Inzh. Tekh., No. 3, 103–106 (1949).
Grigolyuk, E. I. (1953). On the Strength and Stability of Cylindrical Bimetallic Shells. Engineering Collect, 116:119–148.
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Thin Bimetallic Shells and Plates," Inzhenernyi Sbornik, Vol. 17, 1953, pp 69-120.
Grigolyuk, E. I. "The Elastic Stability of Orthotropic and Layered Conical and Cylindrical Shells, " Collection "Space Systems, " Gosizdatin Structures and Architecture , Vol. Ill, 1953.
Grigolyuk, E. I. "On the Stability of a Closed Two-Layered Conical Shell, Subjected to Uniform Normal Pressure," Inzhenernyi Sbornik, Vol. 19, 1954, pp. 75-82.
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Equations of Axially Symmetric Bimetallic Elastic Shells, " Inzhenernyi Sbornik, Vol. 18, 1954, pp. 89-98.
E. I. Grigolyuk, “Nonlinear vibrations and stability of shallow shells and rods,”Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Mekh. Mashinostr., No. 3, 33–68 (1955).
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Loss of Stability with Large Deflections of a Closed, Multi-Layer Conical Shell under Action of Normal Uniform Surface Pressure, " Inzhenernyi Sbornik Vol. 22, 1955, pp. 111-119.
E. I. Grigolyuk, “Vibrations of circular cylindrical panels subjected to finite deflections,”Prikl. Mat. Mekh.,19, No. 3, 376–382 (1955).
E. I. Grigolyuk, “Elastic stability of orthotropic and multilayer conical and cylindrical shells,” in: Calculation of Three-Dimensional Structures [in Russian], No. 3, Gosstroiizdat, Moscow (1955).
Grigolyuk, E.I.: Nonlinear Vibration and Stability of Shallow Shells, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk.,SSSR, 3(33),1955 translated in Applied Mechanics Series of Institute of Engineering Research, Univ. of California, 131, 1960
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Calculation for Stability of Bimetallic Cylindrical Shells, " Inzhenernyi Sbornik , Vol. 23, 1956, pp. 28-55.
Grigolyuk, E.I., "Small Vibrations of Thin Elastic Conical Shells", Izvestia AN, USSR Otdelnye Tekhnicheski Nauk, No.6, pp. 35-44, 1956.
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Equations of Three Layer Sandwich Shells with Light Packing, " Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdelniye Teckhnicheskikh Nauk, No. 1, 1957, pp. 77-84
Grigolyuk, E. I., 1957. On the unsymmetrical snapping of shells of revolution. In W. T. Koiter (ed): Proc. IUTAM Symp. On the Theory of Thin Elastic Shells, Delft, Netherlands, pp. 112-121.
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Finite Deflections of Sandwich Shells with a Rigid Core, " Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdelniye Teckhnicheskikh Nauk, No. 1, 1958, pp. 26-34.
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Buckling of Sandwich Construction Beyond the Elastic Limit, " Jour. Mech. Phys. Solid, Vol. 6, July 1958, pp. 253-266
Grigolyuk, E. I. "Stability of Non-Homogeneous Elasto-Plastic Shells," Soviet Physics-Doklady, Vol. 3, No. 2, Dec. 1958, pp. 438-441
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