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Institute of Steel Construction
Technical University of Graz, Austria
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Werner Guggenberger)
Guggenberger, W., 1991. Buckling of cylindrical shells under local axial loads. In: Buckling of Shell Structures, on Land, in the Sea and in the Air, J. F. Jullien (Ed.), Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York, p. 323–333
Guggenberger W. Nichtlineares beulverhalten von kreiszylinderschalen unter lokaler axialbelastung.
Dr. techn. thesis, Tech. University Graz, 1992.
J M Rotter, R Greiner, W Guggenberger and H Y Li. (1993). Proposed Design Rule for Buckling Strength Assessment of Cylindrical Shells under Local Axial Loads”, Submission to ECCS TWG8.4 Buckling of Shells
W. Guggenberger, “Collapse design of large steel digester tanks”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 20, Nos. 1-4, 1994, pp. 109-128
Guggenberger W (1995) Buckling and postbuckling of imperfect cylindrical shells under external pressure. Thin-Walled Struct 23:351–366
Greiner, R., Guggenberger, W., 1996. Stability of column-supported steel cylinders, Proc., IASS Asia-Pacific Conf. on Shell and Special Structures, Beijing.
Guggenberger, W., 1996. Patch Loads and Their Use in Metal Silo Design-Strand 3: Effect of Patch Loads on Stiffened Circular Cylindrical Silos. Under the auspices of WG3 of CA-Silo, Institute for Steel, Timber and Shell Structures, Technical University Graz, Austria.
Guggenberger, W., 1997. Collapse, failure analysis and repair of a high-tensile steel digester tank. Proc., Int. Conf. on Carrying Capacity of Steel Shell Structures, V. Krupka and P. Schneider (Eds.), Oct. 1–3, Brno, Czech Republic.
Guggenberger, W., 1998. Proposal for design rules of axially loaded steel cylinders on local supports.Thin-Walled Structures,31: 169–185.
Pircher M., Guggenberger W., Greiner R., Bridge R. (1998), “Stresses in elastic cylindrical shells under wind load”. University of Western Sydney, Nepean, pp. 663-669.
R Greiner and W Guggenberger, “Buckling behaviour of axially loaded steel cylinders on local supports—with and without internal pressure”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 31, Nos. 1-3, May 1998, pp. 159-167
Guggenberger W, Greiner R. Axialbelastete kreiszylinderschalen auf einzelstu ̈tzen—numerische
tragverhaltensstudie, versuchsergebnisse und bemessungsvorschlag. Stahlbau 1998;67(6):415–24.
Guggenberger, W., Greiner, R., Rotter, J. M., 2000. The behavior of locally-supported cylindrical shells: Unstiffened shells. J. Construct. Steel. Res.,56: 175–197.
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