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Department of Solid Mechanics
University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran
Mohammad Arefi is currently Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Kashan. He graduated from University of Kashan in 2006. He was awarded MSc and PhD degrees from Tarbiat Modares University in 2008 and 2012, respectively. He worked on piezoelectric and functionally graded materials in MSc and PhD thesis. He is currently working on nanostructures and microstructures in cooperation with MSc and PhD students. More than 65 scientific papers have been created by Mohammad Arefi. He reached to 350 citations and an H-Index=13 based on Scopus website.
Selected Publications (For more see the link Prof. Mohammad Arefi):
Khoshgoftar MJ., Ghorbanpour Arani A., Arefi M., 2009, Thermoelastic analysis of a thick walled cylinder made of functionally graded piezoelectric material, Smart Material Structures 18: 115007-115015.
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Arefi, M. and Zenkour, A.M. (2017m), "Employing the coupled stress components and surface elasticity for nonlocal solution of wave propagation of a functionally graded piezoelectric Love nanorod model", J. Intel. Mater. Syst. Struct., 28(17), 2403-2413.
Arefi, M., Zamani, M.H. and Kiani, M. (2017), "Size-dependent free vibration analysis of three-layered exponentially graded nanoplate with piezomagnetic face-sheets resting on Pasternak's foundation", J. Intel. Mater. Syst. Struct., 29(5), 774-786
Arefi, M. and Bidgoli, E.M.R. (2017), "Elastic solution of a constrained FG short cylinder under axially variable pressure", J. The. Ins. Eng. Ind.: Series C., 98(3), 267-276.
Mohammad Arefi and Ashraf M. Zenkour, “Vibration and bending analysis of a sandwich microbeam with two integrated piezo-magnetic face-sheets”, Composite Structures, Vol. 159, pp 479-490, January 2017
M. Arefi, “Buckling analysis of the functionally graded sandwich rectangular plates integrated with piezoelectric layers under bi-axial loads”, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp 712-735, November 2017
M. Arefi, M. Pourjamshidian and A. Ghorbanpour Arani, “Nonlinear free and forced vibration analysis of embedded functionally graded sandwich micro beam with moving mass”, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp 462-492, May 2018
Mohammad Arefi and Asraf M. Zenkour, “Free vibration analysis of a three-layered microbeam based on strain gradient theory and three-unknown shear and normal deformation theory”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp 421-437, 2018
Mohammad Arefi, “Nonlocal free vibration analysis of a doubly curved piezoelectric nano shell”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp 479-493, 2018
Abbas Loghman, Reza K. Faegh and Mohammad Arefi, “Two dimensional time-dependent creep analysis of a thick-walled FG cylinder based on first order shear deformation theory”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp 533-547, 2018
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