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Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
Selected Publications:
M. Hosseini, R. Bahaadini, Size dependent stability analysis of cantilever micro-pipes conveying fluid based on modified strain gradient theory, International Journal of Engineering Science, 101 (2016), pp. 1–13
Bahaadini, R. and Hosseini, M. [2016] “ Nonlocal divergence and flutter instability analysis of embedded fluid-conveying carbon nanotube under magnetic field,” Microfluid and Nanofluid 20(7), 1–14
Bahaadini, R. and Hosseini, M. [2016] “ Effects of nonlocal elasticity and slip condition on vibration and stability analysis of viscoelastic cantilever carbon nanotubes conveying fluid,” Computational Materials Science 114, 151–159.
Bahaadini, R., Hosseini, M and Jamalpoor, A. [2017] “ Nonlocal and surface effects on the flutter instability of cantilevered nanotubes conveying fluid subjected to follower forces,” Physica B: Condensed Matter 509, 55–61.
Hosseini, M., Maryam, A. Z. B. and Bahaadini, R. [2017] “ Forced vibrations of fluid-conveyed double piezoelectric functionally graded micropipes subjected to moving load”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 21(8), 134.
Hosseini, M., Bahaadini, R. and Makkiabadi, M. [2018] “ Application of the Green function method to flow-thermoelastic forced vibration analysis of viscoelastic carbon nanotubes”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 22(1), 6.
Bahaadini R., Hosseini, M and Jamali, B. [2018] “ Flutter and divergence instability of supported piezoelectric nanotubes conveying fluid,” Physica B: Condensed Matter 529, 57–65.
Reza Bahaadini, Ali Reza Saidi and Mohammad Hosseini, “On dynamics of nanotubes conveying nanoflow”, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 123, pp 181-196, February 2018
Bahaadini, R. and Saidi, A. R. [2018] “ Stability analysis of thin-walled spinning reinforced pipes conveying fluid in thermal environment,” European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 72, 298–309.
Reza Bahaadini, Mohammad Reza Dashtbayazi, Mohammad Hosseini and Zahra Khalili-Parizi, “Stability analysis of composite thin-walled pipes conveying fluid”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 160, pp 311-323, July 2018
Bahaadini, R. and Saidi, A. R. [2018] “ Aeroelastic analysis of functionally graded rotating blades reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets in supersonic flow,” Aerospace Science and Technology 80, 381–391.
Bahaadini, R. and Hosseini, M. [2018] “ Flow-induced and mechanical stability of cantilever carbon nanotubes subjected to an axial compressive load,” Applied Mathematical Modelling 59, 597–613.
Bahaadini, R. and Saidi, A. R. [2018] “ On the stability of spinning thin-walled porous beams,” Thin-walled Structures 132, 604–615.
Hosseini, M., Bahaadini, R. and Jamali, B. [2018] “ Nonlocal instability of cantilever piezoelectric carbon nanotubes by considering surface effects subjected to axial flow”, Journal of Vibration and Control 24(9), 1809–1825.
Bahaadini, R., Saidi, A. R. and Hosseini, M. [2018] “ Dynamic stability of fluid-conveying thin-walled rotating pipes reinforced with functionally graded carbon nanotubes,” Acta Mechanica 229(12), 5013–5029.
Bahaadini, R., Saidi, A. R. and Hosseini, M. [2019] “ Flow-induced vibration and stability analysis of carbon nanotubes based on the nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam theory”, Journal of Vibration and Control 25(1), 203–218.
(For more see the link, Prof. Reza Bahaadini)
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