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Prof. Ranjan Banerjee
Professor of Structural Dynamics
School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics
City University of London
Professor Ranjan Banerjee (J.R. Banerjee) received his Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Calcutta (1969) and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (1971) respectively. He joined the Structural Engineering Division of the Indian Space Research Organisation, Trivandrum and worked there for four years (1971-75) first as a Structural Engineer and then as a Senior Structural Engineer. He was involved in the research and development of multistage solid propellant rocket structures with particular emphasis on dynamic response. Later in the year 1975 he was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship by the Association of Commonwealth Universities to study for a PhD degree at Cranfield University where he conducted research within the technical areas of structural dynamics and aeroelasticity. He completed his PhD in 1978. An important spin-off from his PhD work is the development of an aeroelastic package called CALFUN (CALculation of Flutter speed Using Normal modes) which has been extensively used as a teaching and research tool in aeroelastic studies. Professor Banerjee joined the University of Cardiff as a Research Associate in 1979 and worked there for six years on vibration and buckling characteristics of space structures using the dynamic stiffness method. He worked in close collaboration with NASA, Langley Research Center, and was principally involved in the development of the well established computer program BUNVIS (BUckling or Natural VIbration of Space Frames) which was later used by NASA and other organizations to analyse spacecraft structures. He was promoted to the position of Senior Research Associate in 1982. Professor Banerjee joined City University in 1985 as a Lecturer in Aircraft Structures. He was promoted to Senior Lectureship and Readership in 1994 and 1998 respectively. In March 2003 he was promoted to Professorship. He was elected into the EPSRC Peer Review College in 1996 and served until 1999, and was re-elected in 2002, and is currently serving in the College. He has continued to teach the subjects of mechanics, strength of materials, aircraft structures and composite materials, and is carrying out research in the field of structural dynamics and aeroelasticity. To date he has published around one hundred and fifty papers in international journals and established conferences.
DSc Structural Dynamics, City University London (2016)
PhD Aircraft Design, Cranfield University (1978)
MTech Mechanisms & Vibration, IIT Kharagpur (1971)
BEng Mechanical Engineering, Calcutta University (1969)
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